

name = Ashmunella

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Ashmunella levettei angigyra" Pilsbry, 1905
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
ordo = Pulmonata
subordo = Eupulmonata
infraordo = Stylommatophora
parvordo = Sigmurethra
superfamilia = Helicoidea
familia = Polygyridae
genus = "Ashmunella"
genus_authority = Pilsbry & Cockerell 1899

"Ashmunella" is a genus of gastropod in the family Polygyridae. It contains the following species and subspecies:
*"Ashmunella levettei" (Bland, 1882)
*"Ashmunella levettei angigyra" Pilsbry, 1905
*"Ashmunella pasonis" (Drake, 1951); Franklin Mountain woodland snail

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