Taxobox | name = "Pseudanthias"

image_width = 200px
image_caption = Sea goldie, "Pseudanthias squamipinnis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Serranidae
subfamilia = Anthiinae
genus = "Pseudanthias"
genus_authority = Bleeker, 1871
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.
"Pseudanthias" is a genus of the subfamily "Anthiinae" (Anthias). Fishbase describes 61 species belonging to this genus[FishBase_species|genus=Pseudanthias|species=|year=2007|month=5] :]
*"Pseudanthias albofasciatus ", (Fowler & Bean, 1930),
*"Pseudanthias aurulentus ", (Randall & McCosker, 1982),
*"Pseudanthias bartlettorum ", (Randall & Lubbock, 1981), Bartlett's anthias
*"Pseudanthias bicolor ", (Randall, 1979), Bicolor anthias
*"Pseudanthias bimaculatus ", (Smith, 1955), Two-spot basslet
*"Pseudanthias caesiopercula ", (Whitley, 1951),
*"Pseudanthias calloura ", Ida & Sakaue, 2001, Aurora anthias
*"Pseudanthias carlsoni ", Randall & Pyle 2001
*"Pseudanthias caudalis ", Kamohara & Katayama 1959
*"Pseudanthias charleneae", Allen & Erdmann, 2008 [cite journal | journal = Aqua (Miradolo Terme) | volume = 13 | issue = 3-4 | year = 2008 | pages = 139-144 | title = "Pseudanthias charleneae", a new basslet (Serranidae: Anthiinae) from Indonesia | author = Allen & Erdmann]
*"Pseudanthias cichlops ", (Bleeker, 1853),
*"Pseudanthias connelli ", (Heemstra & Randall, 1986), Harlequin goldie
*"Pseudanthias conspicuus ", (Heemstra, 1973),
*"Pseudanthias cooperi ", (Regan, 1902), Red-bar anthias
*"Pseudanthias dispar ", (Herre, 1955), Peach fairy basslet
*"Pseudanthias elongatus ", (Franz, 1910),
*"Pseudanthias engelhardi ", (Allen & Starck, 1982), Orangebar anthias
*"Pseudanthias evansi ", (Smith, 1954), Yellowback anthias
*"Pseudanthias fasciatus ", (Kamohara, 1954), One-stripe anthias
*"Pseudanthias flavicauda ", Randall & Pyle 2001
*"Pseudanthias flavoguttatus ", (Katayama & Masuda, 1980),
*"Pseudanthias fucinus ", (Randall & Ralston, 1985),
*"Pseudanthias georgei ", (Allen, 1976),
*"Pseudanthias heemstrai ", Schuhmacher, Krupp & Randall, 1989, Orangehead anthias
*"Pseudanthias hiva ", Randall & Pyle, 2001,
*"Pseudanthias huchtii ", (Bleeker, 1857), Red-cheeked fairy basslet
*"Pseudanthias hutomoi ", (Allen & Burhanuddin, 1976),
*"Pseudanthias hypselosoma ", Bleeker, 1878, Stocky anthias
*"Pseudanthias ignitus ", (Randall & Lubbock, 1981), Flame anthias
*"Pseudanthias kashiwae ", (Tanaka, 1918), Silver-streak goldie
*"Pseudanthias leucozonus ", (Katayama & Masuda, 1982),
*"Pseudanthias lori ", (Lubbock & Randall, 1976), Lori's anthias
*"Pseudanthias lunulatus ", (Kotthaus, 1973), Lunate goldie
*"Pseudanthias luzonensis ", (Katayama & Masuda, 1983), Yellowlined anthias
*"Pseudanthias manadensis ", (Bleeker, 1856),
*"Pseudanthias marcia ", Randall & Hoover, 1993, Marcia's anthias
*"Pseudanthias mooreanus ", (Herre, 1935),
*"Pseudanthias nobilis ", (Franz, 1910),
*"Pseudanthias olivaceus ", (Randall & McCosker, 1982),
*"Pseudanthias parvirostris ", (Randall & Lubbock, 1981), Sunset anthias
*"Pseudanthias pascalus ", (Jordan & Tanaka, 1927), Amethyst anthias
*"Pseudanthias pictilis ", (Randall & Allen, 1978), Painted anthias
*"Pseudanthias pleurotaenia ", (Bleeker, 1857), Square-spot fairy basslet
*"Pseudanthias privitera ", Randall & Pyle, 2001,
*"Pseudanthias pulcherrimus ", (Heemstra & Randall, 1986), Resplendent goldie
*"Pseudanthias randalli ", (Lubbock & Allen, 1978), Randall's fairy basslet
*"Pseudanthias regalis ", (Randall & Lubbock, 1981),
*"Pseudanthias rubrizonatus ", (Randall, 1983), Red-belted anthias
*"Pseudanthias rubrolineatus ", (Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1979),
*"Pseudanthias sheni ", Randall & Allen, 1989,
*"Pseudanthias smithvanizi ", (Randall & Lubbock, 1981), Princess anthias
*"Pseudanthias squamipinnis ", (Peters, 1855), Sea goldie
*"Pseudanthias taeniatus ", (Klunzinger, 1884),
*"Pseudanthias taira ", Schmidt, 1931,
*"Pseudanthias thompsoni ", (Fowler, 1923), Hawaiian anthias
*"Pseudanthias townsendi ", (Boulenger, 1897), Townsend's anthias
*"Pseudanthias truncatus ", (Katayama & Masuda, 1983),
*"Pseudanthias tuka ", (Herre & Montalban, 1927), Yellowstriped fairy basslet
*"Pseudanthias venator ", Snyder, 1911,
*"Pseudanthias ventralis hawaiiensis ", (Randall, 1979),
*"Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis ", (Randall, 1979), Longfin anthias
*"Pseudanthias xanthomaculatus ", (Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1979),References