San Pedro de la Paz

San Pedro de la Paz

San Pedro de la Paz is a Chilean "comuna" located in the Concepción Province, in the Biobío region in Chile. San Pedro de la Paz has some 80,447 inhabitants according to the 2002 national census. In 2005, the Pedro Aguirre Cerda avenue, the main avenue in the city, was completed. Most of the inhabitants of this comuna commute daily to Concepción - either by car, bus or train - over the Biobío river. It is considerated as part of Greater Concepción conurbation.

San Pedro de la Paz is a Chilean "comuna" located in the Concepción Province, in the Biobío region in Chile. San Pedro de la Paz has some 80,447 inhabitants according to the 2002 national census. In 2005, the Pedro Aguirre Cerda avenue, the main avenue in the city, was completed. Most of the inhabitants of this comuna commute daily to they travel Concepción - either by car, bus or train - by the bridge the Biobío river. It is considerated as part of Greater Concepción conurbation.

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