- War crimes trials
War crimes trials are trials of persons charged with criminal violation of the
law s andcustoms of war and related principles ofinternational law . The practice began afterWorld War I , when some German leaders were tried by a German court in Leipzig for crimes commited during that war. AfterWorld War II the phrase referred usually to the trials of German andJapan ese leaders incourt s established by the victoriousAllied nations .History
The most important of these trials were held in
Nuremberg ,Germany , under the authority of two legal instruments. One, the so-called London Agreement, was signed by representatives of theUnited States ,Great Britain ,France , and theUSSR inLondon onAugust 8 ,1945 ; the other,Law No. 10 , was promulgated by theAllied Control Council inBerlin onDecember 20 ,1945 .The London Agreement provided for the establishment of the
International Military Tribunal , composed of onejudge and one alternate judge from each of the signatory nations, to trywar criminals . Under the London Agreement, thecrimes charged againstdefendants fell into three categories: crimes againstpeace , that is, crimes involving the planning, initiating and waging of aggressivewar ;war crimes , that is, violations of the laws and customs of war as embodied in theHague Conventions and generally recognized by themilitary forces of civilized nations; and crimes againsthumanity , such as theextermination of racial,ethnic , andreligious groups and other such atrocities againstcivilians .Nuremberg Trials
occupied by Germany during the war.
Among the
accused were theNationalist Socialist leadersHermann Göring andRudolf Hess , thediplomat Joachim von Ribbentrop , the munitions makerGustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach , MarshalWilhelm Keitel , GrandAdmiral Erich Raeder and 18 othermilitary leaders and civilianofficials . Seven organizations that formed part of the basic structure of theNazi government were also charged ascriminal . These organizations included the SS (Schutzstaffel , "Defense Corps"), theGestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei , "Secret State Police"), and the SA (Sturmabteilung , "Storm Troops"), as well as theGeneral Staff andHigh Command of the Germanarmed forces .The trial began on
November 20 ,1945 . Much of theevidence submitted by theprosecution consisted of original military,diplomatic , and other government documents that fell into the hands of theAllied forces after the collapse of the German government.The judgment of the International Military Tribunal was handed down on
September 30 -October 1 ,1946 . Among notable features of the decision was the conclusion, in accordance with the London Agreement, that to plan or instigate an aggressive war is a crime under the principles of international law. The tribunal rejected the contention of the defense that such acts had not previously been defined as crimes under international law and that therefore the condemnation of thedefendants would violate the principle ofjustice prohibitingex post facto punishments . It also rejected the contention of a number of the defendants that they were not legally responsible for their acts because they performed the acts under the orders of superior authority, stating that "the true test . . . is not the existence of the order but whether moral choice (in executing it) was in fact possible"."With respect to war crimes and crimes against humanity, the tribunal found overwhelming evidence of a systematic rule of
violence ,brutality , andterrorism by the German government in theterritories occupied by its forces. Millions of persons were destroyed inconcentration camps , many of which were equipped withgas chambers for the extermination ofJews , Gypsies, and members of other ethnic or religious groups. Under theslave-labor policy of the German government, at least 5 million persons had been forcibly deported from their homes to Germany. Many of them died because ofinhuman treatment. The tribunal also found that atrocities had been committed on a large scale and as a matter of official policy.Of the seven indicted organizations, the tribunal declared criminal the
Leadership Corps of theNational Socialist Party , the SS, the SD (Sicherheitsdienst , "Security Service"), and the Gestapo.ee also
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
*HarryBreaker Morant andCourt martial of Breaker Morant
*My Lai Massacre
*Trial movies
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