

Tantrāloka is the masterwork of Abhinavagupta, who was in turn the most revered Kashmir Shaivism master. On account of its size and scope it is a veritable encyclopedia of nondual Shaivism, a treasure text containing the synthesis of the 64 monistic āgamas and all the schools of Kashmir Shaivism. The work contains both ritualistic and philosophic aspects, spanning over 37 chapters. Chapter 29 is entirely dedicated to the so called "kula-cakra" - a tantric practice which includes ritualized sexual activity. "Abhinavagupta" also wrote a resumed version of "Tantrāloka" named Tantrasāra. [The Trika Saivism of Kashmir, Moti Lal Pandit, page 30] .The whole work has been translated into Italian by Raniero Gnoli.


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