List of ecoregions in Mexico

List of ecoregions in Mexico

=Terrestrial ecoregions=

Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests

* Chiapas moist forests
* Chimalpas montane forests
* Pantanos de Centla
* Petén-Veracruz moist forests
* Sierra Madre de Chiapas moist forests
* Sierra de los Tuxtlas
* Veracruz moist forests
* Veracruz montane forests
* Yucatan moist forests

Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests

* Baijo dry forests
* Balsas dry forests
* Central American dry forests
* Chiapas depression dry forests
* Jalisco dry forests
* Revillagigedo Islands dry forests
* Sierra de la Laguna dry forests
* Sinaloan dry forests
* Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
* Southern Pacific dry forests
* Veracruz dry forests

Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests

* Central American pine-oak forests
* Sierra Juárez and San Pedro Mártir pine-oak forests
* Sierra de la Laguna pine-oak forests
* Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests
* Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests
* Sierra Madre Oriental pine-oak forests
* Sierra Madre del Sur pine-oak forests
* Trans-Mexican volcanic belt pine-oak forests

Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands

* Tamaulipan pastizal

Flooded grasslands and savannas

* Central Mexican wetlands

Montane grasslands and shrublands

* Zacatonal

Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and shrub

* California chaparral and woodlands

Deserts and xeric shrublands

* Chihuahuan desert
* San Lucan xeric scrub
* Sonoran desert
* Baja California desert
* Meseta Central matorral
* Central Mexican matorral
* Gulf of California xeric shrub
* Tamaulipan matorral
* Tamaulipan mezquital
* Tehuacan Valley matorral


* Alvarado mangroves
* Marismas Nacionales-San Blas mangroves
* Mayan Corridor mangroves
* Mexican South Pacific Coast mangroves
* Petenes mangroves
* Ría Lagartos mangroves
* Tehuantepec-El Manchon mangroves
* Usumacinta mangroves

Freshwater ecoregions

Baja California Complex

* Baja California

Colorado River Complex

* Colorado Delta
* Sonoran

inaloan Coastal Complex

* Sinaloan Coastal

Rio Bravo Complex

* Rio Bravo
* Pecos
* Guzman
* Mapimí
* Cuatro Ciénegas
* Llanos El Salado
* Conchos
* Lower Rio Bravo
* Rio San Juan
* Rio Salado

Lerma/Santiago Complex

* Santiago
* Chapala
* Lerma
* Rio Verde Headwaters
* Manantlan/Ameca

Rio Panuco Complex

* Rio Panuco

Balsas Complex

* Balsas

Pacific Central Complex

* Tehuantepec

Atlantic Central Complex

* Southern Veracruz
* Belizean Lowlands
* Catemaco
* Coatzacoalcos
* Grijalva-Usumacinta
* Yucatan


* Olson, D., Dinerstein, E., Canevari, P., Davidson, I., Castro, G., Morisset, V., Abell, R., and Toledo, E.; eds. (1998). "Freshwater biodiversity of Latin America and the Caribbean: A conservation assessment." Biodiversity Support Program, Washington DC.
* Ricketts, Taylor H; Eric Dinerstein; David M. Olson; Colby J. Loucks; et al. (1999). Terrestrial Ecoregions of North America: a Conservation Assessment. Island Press; Washington, DC.

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