- Automated Radioxenon Sampler Analyzer
The Automated Radioxenon Sampler-Analyzer (ARSA) was designed by the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the late 1990's with funding and support from the U.S.Department of Energy . The ARSA system automatically collects and measures radioxenon from the air.
The ARSA system continuously collectsxenon from the air in batch mode, processing approximately 48 m3 in an 8-hour period. The average amount ofxenon collected in this period is approximately 2-cc. The xenon gas is then transferred into nuclear detection system consisting of a beta-gamma coincidence spectrometer.History
The ARSA was designed at
PNNL in support of the International Monitoring System of theCTBT .* 1995 - ARSA concept first proven in the laboratory
* 1997 - ARSA underwent a field test at the Environmental Measurements Laboratory in New York City
* 2000 - The ARSA system was sent to Freiburg, Germany to participate in theInternational Noble Gas Experiment
* 2000 - The ARSA was adopted by DME corporation for commericialization
* 2002 - The coomercialization of the ARSA was transferred to General Dynamics Corporation
* 2003 - The ARSA was sent to Guangzhou, China for further participation in theInternational Noble Gas Experiment Operating Principles
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