- Hex Hex
"Hex Hex" is a
card game published in 2003. Gameplay revolves around the sending oftokens from one player to another.Basic Gameplay
The game requires 4-6 players. All players start with 5 voice. One player is selected to be the first caster and a special caster token is placed in front of him. This player then deals out 5 cards to each player. The caster then sends a hex token to a player of his choice. The player is then known as 'The Intended'. If The Intended can get rid of the hex through the cards he has, he must. If he cannot, he is 'hexed'. If the hexed player fails to somehow diffuse the hex, it detonates and he loses one voice and whatever player was The Intended before him gains one voice. Once the hex is detonated, the game progresses to the next round and continues as before, except the caster is now the player to the left of the last caster. The game ends after the first caster has cast twice. The player with the most voice wins.
The cards are the tools the players have to get rid of hexes. Some cards send the hex to another player, and some even split the hex into two separte hexes, however, some cards are special:
Hex Hex — There is only one Hex Hex card in the deck. The player who has this card may, at any time, drop their cards and raise both hands into the air. All other players must then follow suit. The last player to do so loses 3 voice. The round then ends.
External links
*bgg|10659|"Hex Hex"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.