

name = Gobius
fossil_range = fossilrange|23|0Early Miocene to Present [cite journal
last = Sepkoski
first = Jack
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera
journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology
volume = 364
issue =
pages = p.560
publisher =
location =
date = 2002
url = http://strata.ummp.lsa.umich.edu/jack/showgenera.php?taxon=611&rank=class
doi =
id =
accessdate = 2008-01-08

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Gobiidae
genus = "Gobius"

"Gobius" is a genus of fish in the Gobiidae family. It contains the following species:
* "Gobius hypselosoma"
* tiger goby ("Gobius tigrellus")
* Black goby ("Gobius niger")
* Sharptail goby ("Gobius acutipennis") )
* Agulhas goby ("Gobius agulhensis")
* Bellotti's goby ("Gobius ater")
* Golden goby ("Gobius auratus")
* Bucchich's goby ("Gobius bucchichii")
* Banded goby ("Gobius caffer")
* Giant goby ("Gobius cobitis")
* Red-mouthed goby ("Gobius cruentatus")
* "Gobius ehrenbergii"
* Sarato's goby ("Gobius fallax")
* "Gobius gasteveni"
* Slender goby ("Gobius geniporus")
* Bar-eyed goby ("Gobius giuris")
* Long-finned goby ("Gobius lateralis")
* "Gobius macrocephalus"
* Prison goby ("Gobius multifasciatus")
* "Gobius natalensis"
* "Shadow goby ("Gobius nebulosus")
* Barehead goby ("Gobius nidiceps")
* Black goby ("Gobius niger")
* weed goby ("Gobius ophiocephalus")
* "Gobius ornatus"
* Rock goby ("Gobius paganellus")
* "Gobius punctatissimus"
* Roule's goby ("Gobius roulei")
* Comma-fin goby ("Gobius saldanha")
* Schmidt's goby ("Gobius schmidti")
* Striped goby ("Gobius vittatus")


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