

Supraśl Monastery founded by Aleksander Chodkiewicz] Chodkiewicz ( _lt. Chodkevičius, Kadkevičius, Katkevičius, Katkus) was one of the most influential noble families of Ruthenian descent in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-17th centuries. Chodko Jurewicz, chamberlain to Grand Duke Vytenis was probably ancestor of whole clan and gaved it name "Chodkiewicz", meaning "son of Chodzko". Surnames were not used in that time, but apparently later in history, the name "Chodzko" became a surname after Christianization of Chodzko Juriewicz, father of Iwan (Jan) Chodkiewicz. They bore Chodkiewicz coat of arms. In the year 1572 Jan Hieronimowicz Chodkiewicz abandoned calvinism for the Roman catholicism with his two sons, what made them first polonized generation of this once Ruthenian family. Emperor Charles V granted the title of Count of the Roman Empire to the whole family.

Notable family members

*Chodko Jurewicz (c.1431 - 1447), founder of Chodkiwicz clan.
*Ivan Chodkiewicz (? - 1484) - founder of the Chodkiewicz family.
*Aleksander Chodkiewicz (1457 - 1549) - voivode of the Nowogródek Voivodeship, Grand Marshal of Lithuania
*Yurii Chodkiewicz (1524 - 1569) - voivode of the Nowogródek Voivodeship.
*Hieronim Chodkiewicz (1500 - 1561) - Grand Lithuanian Podczaszy, Elder of Samogitia, Count of the Roman Empire
*Ivan Hieronimowicz Chodkiewicz (1537 - 1579) - Livonian hetman, Grand Lithuanian Marshall, castellan of Vilnius.
*Grzegorz Chodkiewicz (? - 1572) - Grand Hetman of Lithuania
*Jan Karol Chodkiewicz (1560-1621) - Grand Hetman of Lithuania.
*Krzysztof Chodkiewicz (?-1652) - castellan of Vilnius, voivode of Vilnius Voivodship.
*Jan Kazimierz Chodkiewicz (1616-1660) - castellan of Vilnius.
*Anna Eufrozyna Chodkiewicz (c. 1600-c. 1631) - married Prokop Sieniawski in 1623.
*Teresa Chodkiewicz (1645-1672) - married Stanisław Bonifacy Krasiński about 1667.

See also

* Lithuanian nobility
* List of szlachta

External links

* [] Genealogy of Chodkiewicz family.

* [] Family tree of Chodkiewicz.

* [] Site about Chodkiewicz clan.

* [] Full interactive family tree (in Polish).


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