- Kick 4 Life
Kick 4 Life (K4L) is a registered UK charity which uses football as a tool for promoting health education and awareness in the developing world. Founded in 2005 the charity is focusing its efforts in
Lesotho in southern Africa, a country which has been devastated by HIV/AIDS.Activities in Lesotho
Over the coming years K4L is aiming to work with local partners to develop the role of football as a significant tool in promoting health awareness in Lesotho. The charity's work is underpinned by Bophelo Ka Lipapali (Good Health through Sport), an internationally recognised curriculum that has been successfully implemented by Grassroot Soccer in other parts of Africa, and now tailored for specific use in Lesotho. The six to ten-week curriculum aims to engage, educate and mobilize youth through a series of interactive games, activities, and discussions. There is a focus on health education and developing critical life skills. The course also creates direct links to paediatric ART centres, links individuals with local orphanages and conducts community service activities with orphans and vulnerable children
To ensure the curriculum reaches all parts of the country K4L is developing a network of coaches and peer leaders throughout Lesotho. These include football coaches, youth leaders, community workers, and international players. K4L aims to reach an equal number of males and females. K4L is also delivering the 'Test Your Team' campaign which consists of one day football tournaments where HIV prevention education and HIV testing is provided. Teams earn tournament points for completing HIV educational sessions, getting HIV tested, and for scoring goals in their matches.
In addition to the focus on health education and life skills, K4L is working with the
Lesotho Football Association (LEFA) to support the development of football in Lesotho from grassroots to international level.The Kick 4 Life All Stars
The Kick 4 Life All Stars is a football team that undertakes international football tours to promote health awareness in the developing world. The maiden two-week tour to Lesotho took place in November 2007 with a subsequent venture scheduled for April 2009. Players of all abilities can apply to join the squad and need to raise a minimum sponsorship amount to take part.
External links
http://www.kick4life.org http://www.justgiving.com/davidhaynes-k4l
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.