Ernst von Glasersfeld

Ernst von Glasersfeld

Ernst von Glasersfeld (born 1917 in Munich) is a philosopher, a cybernetician and is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Georgia, Research Associate at the Scientific Reasoning Research Institute, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is a member of the Board of Trustees, American Society of Cybernetics, from which he received the McCulloch Memorial Award in 1991. He is a member of the Scientific Board, Instituto Piaget, Lisbon.

Von Glasersfeld is a proponent of radical constructivism and spent large parts of his life in Ireland (1940s), in Italy (1950s) where he worked with Silvio Ceccato and in the U.S..

Elaborating upon Giambattista Vico, Jean Piaget’s genetic epistemology, Bishop Berkeley’s theory of perception, James Joyce’s "Finnegan's Wake" and other important texts, von Glasersfeld developed his model of Radical Constructivism - which is an ethos shared by all of these writers to one degree or another.

He is also the creator of the first 120 symbols of the lexigram, a device used in the field of animal language.

External links

* [ Ernst von Glasersfeld]
* [ Biography of Ernst von Glasersfeld]

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