Liferay, Inc.

Liferay, Inc.

name = Liferay

caption = Demonstration of the Liferay portal
collapsible = yes
developer = Liferay, Inc
status = Active
latest_release_version = 5.1
latest_release_date = release_date|2008|07|17
latest_preview_version =
latest_preview_date =
operating_system = Cross-platform
size =
programming_language = Java
genre = enterprise portal
license = MIT Licence
website =

Liferay, Inc. is a professional open-source company that provides free documentation and paid professional service to users of its software. Mainly focused on enterprise portal technology, the company was founded in 2000 by Brian Chan and currently has its headquarters in Los Angeles, California, United States.


Liferay was created in 2000 by Chief Software Architect Brian Chan to provide an enterprise portal solution for non-profit organizations. [cite news | last = Howard | first = Phil | title = Liferay after Plumtree: Pure play portals alive and kicking | publisher = Reg Developer | date = October 18, 2005 | url = ] In 2006, the company was incorporated under the name Liferay, Inc., formalized its Germany subsidiary Liferay GmbH. In 2007, the company opened a new Asian headquarters in Dalian, China.

The company's enterprise portal product has been acknowledged by several notable organizations. It was recognized by EContent magazine in its "EContent 100" list of industry leaders [cite web |title = Liferay Breaks Into EContent Magazine's "EContent 100" Of Industry Leaders | date = November 20, 2006 | url = ] [cite web | url = | title = 2006 EContent 100 List | publisher = EContent Magazine |date=December 2006] and in 2007, InfoWorld named it a "Technology of the Year." [cite web | title = 2007 Technology of the Year Awards: Applications
publisher = InfoWorld | date = January 1, 2007 | url =
] In July 2007, they announced a partnership with ICEsoft Technologies for developing AJAX technology for their enterprise portal software [cite web | title = Liferay and ICEfaces Announce Ajax Portal Technology Partnership | date = August 3, 2007 | url= ] . In January 2008, the company hired the lead engineer for jQuery UI, to exclusively work full-time on the JavaScript library. [cite web | url=| title= jQuery UI and beyond: The jQuery-Liferay partnership|last=Bakaus|first=Paul|date=January 23, 2008]


Liferay Inc. develops mainly one product: Liferay Portal. This portal is divided into three main products:
#Liferay Portal - JSR-286 enterprise portal platform
#Liferay Journal - Content Management System
#Liferay Collaboration Suite - Collaboration software (blogs, instant messaging, message boards, etc.)

Technical Specs

Liferay portal supports all major app servers, databases, and operating systems with over 700 deployment configurations. Liferay portal supports I18N for any language out-of-the-box and ships with default translations for 22 languages.Additional languages can be added very easily.


External links

* []
*cite news | first = Charles | last = Babcock | title = Symantec Steps Deeper Inside The Data Center With Performance Monitoring | publisher = InformationWeek | date = January 23, 2007 | url =
*cite news | last = Gasperson | first = Tina | title = Goodwill is good with open source portal Liferay | publisher = | date = September 13, 2006 | url =
*cite news | last = Heck | first = Mike | title = Jboss and Liferay provide open portals to SOA | publisher = InfoWorld | date = May 05, 2006 | url =
* [ Liferay Installer] - Open source tool for simple installation of Liferay, Tomcat and MySQL on Windows and Linux.

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