

Extremschrammeln are an Austrian punk rock band, led by guitarist and singer Roland Neuwirth. The band is on the Warner Music label. [http://www.ulnoe.at/literaturundwein/geschichte/extrem.php?naviaktiv=nav4&step=musik] They perform original songs in both German and English, but backed with the more traditional Viennese folk music "Schrammelmusik". Big hits include "Der Weg Ist Weit Nach Floridsdorf" ("It's a Long Way to Floridsdorf") and "Fantastisch Elastisch" ("Fantastic Elastic"). Although they retain Schrammelmusik's basic structure, the group enhance their music with satirical lyrics, as well as jazz and blues influences.


*"Nachtschicht": 2002, Warner Music
*"Geschrammelte Werke" (2 CDs): 1999, Warner Music
*"Nr.9 Die Pathologische": 1998, Warner Music
*"I hab an Karl mit mir": 1996, Warner Music
*"herzTON.Schrammeln.": 1996, BMG Arioola
*"Moment, der Christbaum brennt": 1995, Warner Music
*"Essig & Öl": 1994, Warner Music
*"Waß da Teufel" (2 CDs): 1989, Warner Music
*"Guat drauf": 1988, Warner Music
*"Extrem": 1983, Alpha Music
*"Alles is hin": 1980, EMI Columbia
*"10 Wienerlieder und 1 Fußpilz-Blues": 1978, Preiser Records

External links

* [http://www.extremschrammeln.at/ Extremschrammeln web site]

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