- Ayrens
French commune| nomcommune=Ayrens
region=Auvergne| department=Cantal
canton=Laroquebrou |insee=15016 | cp= 15250 | maire= Jean Chanut | mandat=march 2001 -2008 |intercomm=Aurillac |longitude=2.32777777778
alt moy= m | alt mini= 517 m | alt maxi= 729 m|hectares=255 | km²= 25.5| sans=494 | date-sans=1999 | dens=19 |date-dens=1999Ayrens is a commune in the
Cantal département in the Auvergne region.Government
This is a list of
mayors of Ayrens.Monuments
*Castle of Clavières [ [http://chateauclavieres.over-blog.com/article-482138.html frChâteau de Clavières] ] .
Famous people
Duke of la Salle of Rochemaure (Duc de la Salle de Rochemaure)(1856-1915) frenchfélibrige writer [*Duc de La Salle de Rochemaure."Gerbert, Silvestre II" Émile, Paul, Paris, éditeurs, 1914.] [Marcellin Boudet "Nécrologie du Duc de La salle de Rochemaure", 1915, in RHA, 60 p.] ,the duke lived in the castle of Clavières.See also
*Pope Sylvester II
*Auvergne (province) , the historical independent county and later French province
*Auvergne (région) , the modern-day administrative région, larger than the historical province of Auvergne, as it includes other provinces asBourbonnais which historically were not part of Auvergne.
*Notes,sources and references
External links
*en [http://www.unep-wcmc.org/wdpa/sitedetails.cfm?siteid=6308&level=nat Fiche du parc des volcans d'Auvergne sur le site UNEP-WCMC]
*Official site of the [http://www.felibrige.org Felibrige]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.