

Zeng (zh-cp|c=曾|p=Zēng) is a Chinese family name. In Cantonese, it may be rendered as Tsang.The surname Zeng is the 32nd most common surname in China.

In 2118 BC, Si Shao Kang became the king of the Xia Dynasty. The Si's were the descendants of the King Yu of Xia. Shao Kang delegated one of his sons to rule the State of Zeng during the Shao Kang's reign. However in 567 BC, the kingship of the State of Zeng was usurped by a cousin with a different surname. Some of the royal members including the prince of Zeng fled to the State of Lu. The Prince of Zeng gave his descendants the surname Zeng in remembrance of the Zeng state.

Prominent people with the surname Zeng (曾)

* Zeng Guofan
* Zeng Qinghong
* Zeng Gong
* Zeng Peiyan
* Zeng Chengwei
* Zeng Xianyi
* Zeng Jinlian
* Zeng Liansong
* Zhe Zeng
* Zeng Fanren
* Zeng Fanzhi
* Donald Tsang – current chief executive of Hong Kong
* Tsang Yam Pui – former commissioner of police
* Tsang Tsou Choi – The Kowloon Emperor (Hong Kong graffiti artist)
* Eric Tsang - film actor, director
* Edward Tsang - computer scientist

ee also

* Chinese name

External links

* [http://www.chineseetymology.org/CharacterASP/CharacterEtymology.aspx?characterInput=%E6%9B%BE Etymology of 曾]

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