Georg von Vollmar

Georg von Vollmar

Georg Heinrich von Vollmar (March 7 1850 - June 30 1922), was a Socialist politician in Bavaria.

He was born in Veltheim, educated at Augsburg, and 1865 joined the Bavarian army, serving in the cavalry. He was in the campaign of 1866, then volunteered for the Papal Guard. Returning to Germany in 1869, he was in the Franco-Prussian War, severely wounded at Blois, and invalided home.

He took up the cause of socialism in the early 1870s, and in 1877 became editor of the party newspaper at Dresden. This came at a personal cost, for he was jailed several times, and eventually expelled from the city. He moved to Zurich in 1879, and edited the "Social Demokrat" there.

Vollmar was elected to the Reichstag in 1881, serving until 1887, then from 1890 to 1918. He was a leader of the Bavarian movement for social democracy and a major spokesman for a regionally-based program of reform.

He died in Soiensass in 1922.

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