Races of Underworld universe

Races of Underworld universe

"Underworld" and "", depict two races living among the human race in secret, Vampires and Lycans, a type of werewolf.

Human Origins

The origins of the Vampire and Lycan races start approximately 1500 years before the films are set. The origin is initially described in the film as a legend but later shown to be correct. Alexander Corvinus, a Hungarian warlord who lived in the early fifth century, ascended to power just in time to watch his village ravaged by an unknown plague with Alexander the only survivor. His body had adapted to the virus and had, through some unknown means, made him the first immortal. Later the term "Corvinus Strain" is coined by a Lycan scientist, Singe to describe the genetic anomaly which allowed this. The nature of the particular virus that affected Alexander is unknown, nor is it known whether his body would have also adapted were it another virus that he was infected with.

Corvinus strain

The Corvinus Strain is a recessive genetic anomaly that uniquely has the ability to sustain and harbor both viruses carried by Vampires and Lycans. This anomaly is the only known gene that is capable of combining properties from both the Vampire and Lycan Strain that would, otherwise, destroy themselves on contact due to the incompatible components contained at their cellular level. This recessive strain is activated once it mutates with the genes of one or more other species. The only known post-mutation examples of the Corvinus Strain are the Vampire and Lycan Strains.

When inherited in its active form, the Corvinus Strain gives its host immortality and superhuman strength, while, additionally, possessing the capability for another stage of mutation when subjected to gene-fusion. However, when inherited in its dormant form, it gives no interaction with the host, whatsoever; thus, giving no indication of its presence from third-party perspective. Still, there remains the capability for the dormant strain to undergo another stage of mutation, but this could only be accomplished if the strain is drawn to its active form by an independent source. One such source is the Corvinus Strain in post-mutation form, that is to say, either the Vampire or Lycan Strain because of their dominance. A fusion with either post-mutation strains would produce extremely potent results, as the dormant Corvinus Strain would be in its consanguineous form. Alternatively, a fusion with both post-mutation strains would produce even greater results, and would be regarded as a hybrid.


Years later, with his wife Helena, Alexander fathered three children, two of whom inherited the Corvinus Strain in active form and so his immortality, his twin sons Marcus and William. Marcus was bitten by a bat and became the first vampire. William was bitten by a wolf and became the first Lycan. William became a savage anthropomorphic wolf-beast, something Alexander attributed to his uncontrollable rage.

William went on an uncontrollable rampage, infecting whomever he bit or clawed. Even those killed by William soon came back to life as the effects of William's mutated Corvinus strain proved powerful enough to reanimate the dead, turning them into the first generation of Lycans. Those infected became raging monsters causing legions of uncontrollable Lycan monsters to be spawned across Hungary. To bring his brother under control, Marcus approached the dying warlord Viktor, promising him immortality as a Vampire in return for his army and military expertise in capturing William. His army was also turned, creating the Death Dealers. After many battles against William and his raging progeny, he was finally captured. Viktor betrayed Marcus and ordered that William be locked away for all time in a special cage, the location of which was kept from Marcus.The strain was also carried by the other descendants of Corvinus in its dormant form. The first person who inherited the Corvinus Strain in dormant form was Alexander's third and unnamed son. Through him, the Corvinus Strain was preserved in its pure form, and was eventually passed down to a man named Michael Corvin. Because of the simple ability of the Corvinus Strain to multiply from parent to offspring, anyone who is biologically related to Corvinus' third son is a possible carrier of the strain.

The Vampire, Selene, absorbed the Corvinus Strain through direct ingestion of Alexander's blood, reinforcing the residual Corvinus Strain in her Vampire Strain, and, thus, fusing the full strengths of both strains for the first time. Her strength and healing abilities were enhanced to a level equivalent to that of a Vampire-dominant Hybrid, even being able to withstand direct exposure to sunlight.

The Feud

After William's immediate threat was finally ended, Lycans still existed. Their progeny later proved to be more usable to the vampires and were literally branded as subservient "watchdogs" for vampires during the daylight hours when the vampires' bodies were vulnerable to attack. By this point Lycans had learned enough control that they were primarily human, only changing into their wolf forms at the full moon. A lycan slave named Lucian eventually led a rebellion against the vampires in response to the murder of his wife Sonja, the daughter of the vampire Elder Viktor. She was killed because she was pregnant, and a lycan/vampire hybrid that she would've given birth to was seen as an "abomination." This started a furious war, as Lucian gathered to him an army of Lycans discontented with their service to the Vampires. The war lasted for centuries, with some Lycans even learning how to control their transformations and change to wolf form at any time.

Eventually, around 600 years before the films, Lucian's fortress was attacked by the Death Dealers. Lucian's forces slaughtered them, but Lucian offered the only survivor, Kraven, a deal. He would fake his own death, allowing Kraven to gain advancement, in return for giving Lucian a free hand. For the next 600 years, the Vampires hunted down many of the Lycans, driving them nearly to extinction. However, Lucian was still alive, and forged ahead with a plan to use the blood of a human descendant of Corvinus to turn himself into a hybrid, just as his murdered child would have been.

The films commence shortly before his plan is foiled by the Death Dealer Selene, who alerted Viktor to Kraven's treachery.As Lucian prepared to use Michael's blood to transform himself, he was betrayed and shot in the back by Kraven. As a massive battle erupted between the Lycans and Death Dealers, Lucian barely survived, and when he witnessed the love between Selene and Michael, told Selene to bite Michael, creating a Hybrid regardless. He was killed soon after by Kraven.

Soon after William was freed by his brother Marcus (himself now a Hybrid), as the two brothers reunited. William attacked Selene, who had come to prevent Marcus from freeing his brother. She was saved by Michael. William battled his distant relative, but was unable to kill the powerful Hybrid. Michael ripped William's head off, ending the threat of the oldest and most powerful Lycan.


After William was imprisoned, Viktor, Marcus and Amelia settled in as rulers of the Vampires, becoming the Vampire Elders, creating the covens as the main organization of the Vampires. However, Viktor gradually and subtly took control from Marcus, ensuring he would never have the strength to free his brother. The coven later embarked on an ill-fated scheme to turn the surviving Lycans (who had now gained the ability to return to human form) into slaves, using them to guard their tombs in the daylight. However, after the romance between Viktor's daughter Sonja and the Lycan slave Lucian was discovered, and Sonja executed, the war began again.

After centuries, it was believed Lucian had finally been killed, and the Death Dealers were charged with hunting down any and all surviving Lycans. With the Lycan threat contained, the Elders constructed the chain system, which ensured one of them would rule for a century while the other two remained in hibernation. By the time of the first film, a Vampire Council also existed, although it is unclear if this was connected. However, nobody suspected the truth: Kraven had struck a deal with Lucian, allowing him to gain power and a position as regent in the Coven. In the present day, the coven had become increasingly decadent under Kraven's leadership, with Amelia ruling from the New World branch of the coven. It was then that Lucian struck, killing Amelia and the Vampire Council, planning to turn himself into a Hybrid, leaving Kraven to rule the Vampires. However, his plan was derailed when Selene awakened Viktor and alerted him to Kraven's treachery. and slaying of Kraven by the newly Hybrid Marcus, and the Elder Viktor's death at Selene's hands soon after, it is unclear what will become of the clans.

Ördögház is a fictional building from the Underworld movies. It means Devil'(s) House. It is an ancient building in Hungary which houses the Old World vampires, of which Viktor leads. Every century, a Vampire Elder returns to the crypt in Ördögház to hibernate for the next two centuries, while another Vampire Elder is awakened to lead the Vampire realm.In , Marcus Corvinus razed Ördögház to the ground.

Powers and abilities

A Vampire's transformation is not nearly as startling as their Lycan counterparts. When they transform, their eyes turn a startling shade of electric blue (though some vampires like Amelia and Tanis had golden shade instead of blue), while their eye teeth lengthen to become pointed fangs. Death Dealers display most of the prominent vampire traits seen in myth and in popular culture: super strength, reflexes, coordination, speed, resilience and stamina, regeneration process and heightened senses. Selene and several other Death Dealers have been seen leaping from very high places; at least 10 stories in some places, and landing without injury or harm. Selene has been shown moving with enough speed to evade gunfire in "Evolution", and to outrun an enraged Raze in the first film. All vampires, on the other hand, share a common weakness to sunlight, possibly due to a fatal allergic reaction to Ultraviolet radiation. The Lycans, at the beginning of "Underworld", take advantage of this weakness by filling their bullets with a "photogenic" solution (or, as Kahn says during his first appearance, "daylight harnessed as a weapon").

She was also seen using her super strength to pin Michael against a wall several feet off of the ground, performing spectacular leaps on numerous occasions, striking her enemies with tremendous force. Selene was shown to be powerful enough to survive a shotgun blast in the chest at point blank range, and easily throw Hungarian police officers around like dolls. It is possible that Selene was stronger and more powerful because she was bitten by the Vampire Elder Viktor.

It can be assumed that the other Death Dealers possessed various degrees of these abilities, due to their age and experience. Their heightened senses manifest in acutely increased depth perception, sense of smell, hearing, and nightvision (which may outwardly manifest as electric blue eyes). Erika, although not a Death Dealer, was shown to be able to cling to the ceiling, like a spider.

Vampire Law

The Vampires have a law which is decreed in their Covenant. Some of these laws include:

*Vampires are to conceal themselves from humans at all costs
*Vampires are not allowed to drink human blood
*Vampires are not allowed to fraternize with lycans in any way
*Vampires are not allowed to delve into the past
*Vampires are not allowed to kill the innocent

Breaking these laws require a judgement from the ruling Elder(s).

The vampire community has been split between two covens, one in the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa), housed in Ördögház and one in the New World (the Americas).

Vampire Elders

Marcus first turned the Hungarian warlord Viktor in exchange for his military intelligence, then he turned the Lady Amelia in exchange for her royal influence. They were to aid him in capturing his brother William. After he turned Viktor’s army and Amelia's followers into vampires, their troops later became the Death Dealers. As the oldest and strongest vampires, they became the 3 Vampire Elders. Viktor was considered the most powerful and Amelia was highly influential. Marcus however, was undermined and over-shadowed.


Viktor and Amelia both sought to undermine Marcus' authority, but Viktor believed the lie that should Marcus or William die, the rest of the species would die with them. Thus, he never sought Marcus' death.

The Vampire Elders have an intricate system known as the 'Chain', during which one Elder rules while the other two slumbers in the crypt in Ordoghaz, for every century. This was probably devised after William was captured. Generally, only an elder will awaken another, for they have the ability to organize their thoughts into a cohesive record for the next Elder to refer to; however, it is possible for any blood to provoke an awakening.


Elders looks like other vampires, however, they possess superior strength, speed, and resilience that is far above those of the average Vampire. Viktor, as seen in the first Underworld Movie, was able to stop a Lycan (Raze) in his lupine form; with one hand around the throat, and the other being used to break Raze's arm, before violently breaking his neck.

He cast aside Selene (who was biting Michael and infecting him with the Vampire Strain of the Corvinus Virus) with one arm, and moments later, used one arm once again, to throw Michael through a solid concrete wall, and out into the flooded courtyard, of the Lycans' Den. He was also shown to be able to take on Michael, once he was in his hybrid form.

It can be assumed that Amelia also possessed this level of strength, as well as Marcus, well before his transformation into a Vampire Hybrid.

Elders also have the skill to organize their memories into a cohesive vision, a detailed record of their reign and the reign of the previous Elder who ruled. This was known as the Chain, which aided in their leapfrog through time. If someone else that isn't an Elder awakens an Elder, the Elder can be plagued by incoherent thoughts and memories which are difficult for a non-Elder to organize.

As of the end of Underworld: Evolution, all three Vampire Elders are dead.

The Aristocrats

The aristocrats are the only other group of normal Vampires seen within the covens. They enjoy the high life, such as sex, parties, and taking full advantage of their immortality. They were often shown dawdling around the mansion in the first film, doing little but being hangers-on to Kraven. In contrast to the leather uniforms of the Death Dealers, they wear fine clothing.

Death Dealers

The Death Dealers originally were created by the first vampire Marcus Corvinus, to put down the threat by his twin brother, the Lycan Elder William Corvinus. However, the original batch of Death Dealers came largely from Viktor's troops during his years as a Hungarian General. The Death Dealers, thus, were loyal to Viktor, instead of Marcus. The Death Dealers were successful in capturing William, as was their original purpose, but they skirted near to treason when they attempted to fire on a protesting Marcus. Death Dealers were also crucial in tracking down the band of lycans led by Lucian, and his right-hand-man Raze.The Death Dealers of the Old World Coven are led by Kahn who is also the Weapons Master. After the werewolves manufactured UV bullets for their guns, Kahn took the idea and made a silver nitrate bullet that sent silver straight into their blood stream, making the silver impossible to dig out

Through the years, the Death Dealers constantly upgraded their arsenal of weapons. From silver crossbows specially effective against lycans, they used guns with bullets. Many vampires joined the Death Dealers as a sort of service, and with the fall of Lucian and the rise of decadence and complacency in the vampire covens, the vampire race was split into Death Dealer warriors and aristocratic merrymaking types.

At the time of Underworld, the Death Dealers of the Old World Coven, Ordoghaz, were led by Kahn, the weapons master. There was infighting between the Death Dealers and Kraven's team of thugs led by Soren. Whether any of the Death Dealers survived the final battle in Lucian's lair at the end of the first film is unknown.


*Kraven briefly led the group in the first movie.

*Kahn is portrayed by actor Robbie Gee. He was the leader of the Death Dealers in the film "Underworld". He was born a human slave in the British Caribbeans possibly in the 1600s. In his 30's he was turned by an unknown vampire. He was the weapons master of Viktor's coven. He was in charge of the Death Dealers and making new and more potent weapons. Selene came back from the shootout in the subway with the Lycans' UV bullets. He copied the Lycans' rounds and made silver nitrate bullets that went straight into the Lycans' bloodstream killing them quicker. While leading the assault on the Lycans' lair, he was killed by a Lycan soon after Selene left the other Death Dealers to find Michael Corvin.

Notable Vampires

* Selene - Death dealer and lead character
* Erika - Seductress and socialite
* Nathaniel - Death Dealer
* Rigel
* Viktor - Vampire Elder
* Kahn - Chief Death Dealer
* Kraven - Ordoghaz regent
* Soren - Bodyguard and Soldier
* Marcus Corvinus - Vampire Elder
* Andreas Tanis - Coven Historian
* Amelia- Vampire Elder


In the films, they have the ability to transform into bipedal creatures. They are a variation on werewolves and the term lycan is derived from the Greek "lycanthrope" or lycanthropy. In the films, lycans are opposed by "vampires", again a variation on the traditional vampires.

Powers and Abilities

In the Underworld films, Lycans display a number of greatly enhanced physical attributes. As with their rivals the vampires, Lycans are immortal, able to live for hundreds of years (William survived over 800 years of captivity with no food or water in hibernation). They possess enhanced (superior even to those of wolves, not just humans) senses of smell, hearing and sight and are also able to sense vampires in close proximity to themselves and possess physical strength, durability, reflexes, and speed superior to those of vampires, and have been seen to power through solid concrete walls in Lycan form. It should be noted that in wolf form Lycans seem to be far stronger than the vampires, as every hand-to-hand confrontation between the two races under normal circumstances has ended with a Lycan victory with the exception of elder vampires like Viktor. A first-generation Lycan was able to send a fully armoured vampire flying at least ten feet through the wall of a villager's hut. These traits seem to apply even when the Lycans are in human form, as Lucian was seen to be able to catch a moving car, and subsequently survive being hit by it at point blank range with no injuries [although there is slight possibility this may be because this was Lucian, who is one of the older, probably more powerful, werewolves] . Lycans can also use their claws and strength to scale sheer surfaces, having been seen to crawl along walls at great speed in pursuit of prey.

Lycans also possess superb physical resilience and remarkable regenerative abilities: both Lucian and Raze are wounded, by silver bullets and Selene's throwing stars respectively, yet they bear no marks or scars when they reappear later in the film. Their recovery abilities are hampered by the presence of silver in their bodies. However, to older Lycans, the silver is rarely fatal. Lucian displayed the ability to force Selene's silver bullets out of his body through muscle strength, although it is mentioned in the first film that the silver is fatal if it penetrates the internal organs. They possess heightened senses (which allow for them to detect the presence of vampires), and the ability to land on their feet, like cats do, as seen with Lucian, after being hit by Selene with her car; and Michael, after leaping out of the window of the Death Dealer safe house from several stories high, Michael landed on his back several times, suggesting it is learned not inherent. Silver, whether bullets or blades, are the Lycans' only weakness, as they seem to be violently allergic to it. A new variation on this is the use of Silver nitrate bullets to inject the silver directly into a Lycan's bloodstream.

Although originally Lycans could only transform at the full moon, it is also explained that the older a lycan becomes in age, the more control he can exert over his transformation, to the point that he can change at will, possessing full mental control of his wolf form. In their wolf form, Lycans also have access to powerful jaws and razor-sharp fangs and claws, making them deadly close-quarters combatants.

A special note should be made of William, the original Lycan (or Lycan Elder, as Selene refers to him in the novelisation of Underworld: Evolution). William possessed the same physical traits as his offspring, but to a far greater degree. His strength was such that he was able to engage his Hybrid relative Michael Corvin in combat, winning at first and only being forced back due to the helicopter's machine gun - especially impressive as Michael had just killed several first-generation Lycans with ease. He was also resistant to the UV gunfire of Selene.(It should be noted, however, that the UV rounds were designed primarily for use against Vampires.) Although the rounds penetrated, they barely seemed to slow him down, and only the previously mentioned minigun seemed to have any kind of lasting effect. His muscle power was such that he was able to leap dozens of feet when escaping Selene's explosive shuriken.


William Corvinus's form of lycanthropy is the most primitive, and also the most powerful. He has the most lupine features, with a long muzzle and pointed ears giving him a marked resemblance to a real wolf. He is also far larger than his offspring. William is the most savage Lycan seen (with an insatiable appetite for rampage, according to Andreas Tanis), and also cannot revert to his human form. Unlike later Lycans, he has a full pelt of fur all over his body. It should also be noted that while every other Lycan seen in the films has black or gray fur, William's is mostly white. He has solid white eyes.

1st Generation

These Lycans were created after being bitten (or killed then came back to life as Lycans) by William. Similarly to William, they are complete savages with no control over themselves and the inability to revert to a human form. Physically, they are more humanised facially, with a shorter snout (although still longer than the second-generation Lycans) and a lack of pointed ears. They have less fur than William, but more than their second-generation Lycan descendants, with more fur around the neck and arms. They were also never able to take human form again. It was not until the second generation of Lycans were born that they were able to transform at will.

2nd Generation

These are modern (as of the first film) Lycans descended from the 1st generation. They have learned to transform back to their human form, and are able to change into lycan form when the moon is full. Those who have been Lycans for longer have learned to transform at will regardless of the moon. They resemble 1st generation Lycans, but their faces are shorter, and the least lupine in appearance. They also have far less fur than the first-generation Lycans - they are mostly hairless, aside from a thin mane of fur running down the centre of their backs.

Notable Lycans

*William Corvinus - Lycan Elder.
*Lucian - Alpha Lycan and anti-hero.
*Raze - Beta Lycan and Lucian's right hand man
*Singe - Lycan scientist
*Michael Corvin- Bitten by Lucian then became a lycan-vampire hybrid.


While not a fourth race, a Hybrid is a fusion of Lycan and Vampire at the cellular level. As such it is far more powerful than either species, with none of the weaknesses. The physical appearance of a Hybrid varies depending on the species it was first. A Hybrid with a Lycan dominant side resembles a Lycan in appearance. However, their faces are only slightly elongated, and their eyes are completely black. They also have little or no fur and blueish-grey skin. They also have talons like a Lycan, and the animalistic posture of a Lycan. Michael Corvin was the first of this kind of Hybrid to be seen. A Hybrid who was a Vampire first, on the other hand, has more physical attributes portraying its Vampire ancestry. While it shares the black eyes, grey skin, Lycan talons and musculature of a Lycan dominant Hybrid, a Vampire dominant Hybrid has noticeably bat-like ears flattened into its head, a bat-like nose, no hair at all and taloned wings.

A third hybrid type is implied in Underworld. Viktor's daughter Sonja fell in love with Lucian and became pregnant with his child. Viktor eventually discovered this, and feared the blending of the species that would result when the child was born. Viktor condemned Sonja, her unborn child, and Lucian to death. Sonja was burnt alive by sunlight. Viktor explains to Selene in the first movie that the unborn child was a betrayal of him and the coven, thus implying it would have both traits and an equal vampire and lycan features. However, there is no evidence on whether this type of hybrid would bear increased power or fewer weaknesses.

ee also


External links

* [http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/underworld/site/main.html "Underworld" Official Site]
* [http://entertheunderworld.com "Underworld Evolution" Official Site]

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