

name = Blasiaceae

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Blasia pusilla" from Strasburger's "Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen", 1900
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Marchantiophyta
classis = Marchantiopsida
ordo = Blasiales
familia = Blasiaceae
familia_authority = Klinggr., 1858
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Blasia" "Cavicularia"

Blasiaceae is a family of liverworts with only two species: "Blasia pusilla" (a circumboreal species) and "Cavicularia densa" (found only in Japan). The family has traditionally been classified among the Metzgeriales, but molecular cladistics suggests a placement at the base of the Marchantiopsida.Forrest, Laura L., Davis, E. Christine, Long, David, G., Crandall-Stotler, Barbara J., Clark, Alexandra & Hollingsworth, Michelle L. 2006. "Unraveling the evolutionary history of the liverworts (Marchantiophyta): multiple taxa, genomes and analyses." "The Bryologist" 109(3): 303-334.]


External links

* [ Liverwort Tree of Life]
* [ Simplified phylogeny of the liverworts]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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