

TRANSMUX (Trans-Multiplexing) is a term to describe a signaling format change in telecommunications signaling between SONET and asynchronous DS3 signals. A DS3 signal is multiplexed from 28 individual DS1 signals in a bit-interleaved fashion, with framing and overhead at determined intervals. SONET differs from this approach by using a byte-interleaved, synchronous, multiplexing technique with several variations on payload types.


If a DS3 signal is to be transported over a SONET path, it must be completely demultiplexed and remapped into the SONET format. This same action occurs in reverse when converting a SONET payload back into a DS3 at the opposite end of a path.


If cross-connect capability is to be maintained at the VT1.5 level, then the individual DS1 signals are extracted from a parent DS3 or electrical T1, and then transmuxed individually into each VT1.5. If a DS3 signal is to be delivered 'as-is' to a SONET drop, then the entire DS3 is transmuxed intact into an STS container and no subsequent cross-connect capability exists with the SONET payload at a VT1.5 level.

Industry Application

White Rock Networks Description of a product with Transmux Support:

"For applications where conversion between DS3 and VT1.5 mapped STS-1s is required, transmux allows DS3 embedded within an STS-1 circuit to be adapted to a VT1.5 mapped STS-1 without physically terminating the circuit as a DS3 or EC-1."

PMC-Sierra Strategy:

"Due to the explosive growth in new voice and data connections, transmux has emerged as a key transport service to support interworking between legacy and next-generation networks," said Dino Bekis, vice president of marketing for PMC-Sierra's Communications Products Division."

External links

* [ White Rock Networks ETS2 Product Description]


* [ PMC-Sierra Transmux Solution]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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