- Ryland Fletcher
Infobox Governor
name=Ryland Fletcher
office= Governor of Vermont
term_start= 1856
term_end= 1858
lieutenant=James M. Slade
predecessor=Stephen Royce
successor=Hiland Hall
party= Republican
footnotes=Ryland Fletcher was elected as the
Whig ,Free Soil andLiberty Party candidate forLieutenant Governor of Vermont in1854 , then as the RepublicanLieutenant Governor of Vermont in1855 , and then was the Republicangovernor of Vermont from1856 to1858 . After leaving office, he served in theVermont legislature and was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1870. He was born on February 18, 1799 inCavendish , Vt. He died on December 19, 1885 in the village of ProctorsvilleCavendish , Vt.In his early years he worked on his father's farm and taught in a local school. He was a member of the
Vermont state militia, where he attained the rank of Brigadier-General.Fletcher was a member of the anti-immigrant
Know-Nothings in1856 . Fletcher had said that "immigrants brought with them the 'mortal disease (of) monarchy and despotism, ofRomanism and heathenism... which left unchecked would sweep away our most cherished liberties and dearist institutions.'" [Mark Bushnell [http://www.timesargus.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080120/FEATURES07/801200338/1016/FEATURES07&template=printart Life in the Past Lane: "Swedish Wave Was Meant to Save Vermont"] The Sunday Rutland Herald, Jan. 20, 2008]References
External links
* [http://www.nga.org/portal/site/nga/menuitem.29fab9fb4add37305ddcbeeb501010a0/?vgnextoid=655548c188cc6010VgnVCM1000001a01010aRCRD&vgnextchannel=e449a0ca9e3f1010VgnVCM1000001a01010aRCRD National Governors Association]
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