Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec

Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec

name = Lesser Hedgehog TenrecMSW3 Bronner | pages = 76]

status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
status_ref = IUCN2006 | assessors = Afrotheria Specialist Group (Tenrec Section), Olson, L. & Goodman, S. | year = 2006 | id = 40592 | title = Echinops telfairi | downloaded = 2007-07-29]
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Afrosoricida
familia = Tenrecidae
genus = "Echinops"
genus_authority = Martin, 1838
species = "E. telfairi"
binomial = "Echinops telfairi"
binomial_authority = Martin, 1838
synonyms =

The Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec ("Echinops telfairi") is a species of mammal in the Tenrecidae family. It is endemic to Madagascar. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, dry savanna, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, and subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland.

It is the only species in the genus "Echinops".


Lesser Madagascar Tenrec “Echinops Telfairi”

Basics: Member of the rodent family, often compared to hedgehogs, shrews, ottersLive in Madagascar, along with 20 other species of tenrecsLive in underground burrows, with an entrance and exitRange from 1.5 inches to 15 inches Live for four to six years

Habitat: Dry forest, dry coastal regions, semidesertLive in underground burrows, with two entrances and exitsHibernate for two or three months during the winter, in a burrow with a plugged entrance

Diet: They have long snouts for foragingInsects, fruit, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians

Predators: Birds of prey, snakes, carnivores

Social Structure:Solitary, and come together only to mate, and occasionally males and females stay together during the pregnancy

Behavior:There are 20 different species of tenrec, all of which live in Madagascar relatively close to one anotherUnstable ability to thermoregulateNocternalSpines are modified hairsThey have very sensitive whiskers When threatened, tenrecs curl into a tight ball so the spines stick out Greater and less are the only tenrecs with spines covering the entire back and headSelf-annointing/Scent-marking is when a tenrec comes across a new scent and will lick the object and spread the saliva on its bodyHibernate for three months during the winter

Reproduction: Mate in october Female carries babies for 3 months Have 1-10 babies, who become independent in a month Babies are born with the tips of their quills under the skin They are born during the wet season, when there are lots of insects 3 weeks they are weaned, 4 weeks they are independent Other tenrecs can give birth to 32 young

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