Geological Society of India

Geological Society of India

Geological Society of India is based in Bangalore, India. Its flagship product is the Journal of the Geological Society of India (JGSI).

As declared in the JGSI, the Society was established on May 28, 1958 to promote the cause of advanced study and research in all branches of earth system science. The society is administered by a council having a term of three years. The President of the current council is the geologist B. P. Radhakrishna who occasionally writes on pressing science-society issues. [ Preservation of India's culture and environment, B. P. Radhakrishna] The geological society has three classes of membership: Life/Annual Membership; Honorary fellows; Corporate members. The fellows are elected once a year by the council. The society has found the life memberships it offered long ago to be a burden in the sense that life fellows do not have to contribute to the society monetarily but the society has to honour the subscriptions.

The society publishes its journal monthly. It also publishes memoirs, text books, field guides and an economic geology series, all related to the geology of India. It has a not very high, but respectable, impact factor of 0.424.fact|date=February 2008

Journal of the Geological Society of India (JGSI)

The journal publishes peer reviewed articles on all aspects of earth science. Most contributions are from India, with a few from neighbouring countries and rarely from outside the continent. But as a reliable source of information on Indian geology it has acquired some repute in geological circles.fact|date=February 2008

The present editor is Fareeduddin. The editorial board has B. B. Bhattacharya (Calcutta), D. K. Paul (Calcutta), G. V. R. Prasad (University of Jammu [ [ Jammu University: Departments: Geology ] ] ) and M. Ramakrishnan (Chennai) as members.

External links

* [ Geological Society of India]


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