

Huá as the transliteration of the Chinese character zh-ts|t=|s=, which literally means prosper, can refer to:
* a name of China. See Huaxia and Names of China.
* a Chinese surname. See Hua (surname). For example, the surname born by
** Hua Loo-keng, a Chinese mathematician
** Hua Guofeng, a Chinese politician

Huá as the transliteration of the Chinese character , which literally means smooth and slippery, can also refer to:
* Huá (), its Chinese etymology.
* Huáguó (滑國), the name of a state in ancient China prior to being destroyed by Qin dynasty China.
* Uar, the self designation (endonymic ethnicon) used by the Hephthalites.
* A Chinese clan-name from Linfen.

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