Puskarich Public Library System

Puskarich Public Library System

library_name = Puskarich Public Library System
location = Cadiz, Ohio
established = 1880
num_branches = 2
annual circulation = 190,000
annual circulation =
pop_served = 13,568 (Harrison Hills City School District)
budget = $536,000
director = Sandi Thompson
num_employees = 16
website = http://go2library.com/

The Puskarich Public Library System (PPL) is a small public library serving Harrison County, Ohio. The library also houses the Harrison County History of Coal Museum [http://www.harrison.lib.oh.us/museum/index.html] . The library is a member of SEO, one of the largest Dynix cooperatives in the United States.

Currently, the Puskarich Public Library System consists of three service outlets. The main library is located in Cadiz and branch locations are in Freeport and Scio.

Interlibrary loan

Interlibrary loan (abbreviated ILL) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books, videos, DVDs, sound recordings, microfilms, or receive photocopies of articles in magazines that are owned by another library. Sometimes for a small fee, or possibly for no cost, a library that has the item will loan or copy it, and the item is transported to the requestor's library to be checked out or used only within the library.

Without interlibrary loans, if a library patron found an item they wanted, he/she would have to travel to that library, and apply for a local library card if eligible, or present a reciprocal card in order to borrow the item. By taking advantage of interlibrary loan, in comparison, the library staff can search large numbers of libraries at once, transport the item from several miles to thousands of miles away, and allow a patron to borrow the item using his or her local library card.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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