Adrián Recinos

Adrián Recinos

Adrián Recinos (1886 – 1962) [cite LAF|id=n82-36034] was a Guatemalan historian, essayist, Mayanist scholar and translator. Born in Antigua, Guatemala, Recinos was a great student of national history, mainly of the Maya civilization and the old histories of the K'iche' people.

It was he who made the first edition in Spanish of the Popol Vuh, from the manuscript found in the Newberry Library, Chicago, the United States. In addition, he translated into Spanish the "Anales de los Cakchiqueles". He was educational, Deputy and Ambassador of Guatemala in the United States and Spain, and was a candidate to the Presidency of the Republic in 1944.

He had five children, Beatrice, Isabel, Mary, Adrian Jr., and Laura. All four of his daughters would remain in Guatemala for the majority of their lives, and Adrian Jr. would attend Harvard University, and later became an M.D. in the U.S. He still resides just outside of Washington D.C.

Published works

* "Indigenous chronicles of Guatemala"
* "The City of Guatemala" (historical description from its foundation to 1917-1918 earthquakes)
* "Monographs of the Department of Huehuetenango"



: cite book |author=aut|Recinos, Adrian |year=1998 |title=Memorial de Solalá, Anales de los Kaqchikeles; Título de los Señores de Totonicapán |publisher=Piedra Santa |location=Guatemala |language=Spanish|isbn=84-8377-006-7 |oclc=25476196 : cite book |author=aut|Recinos, Adrian |year=1986 |title=Pedro de Alvarado: Conquistador de México y Guatemala |publisher=CENALTEX |location=Guatemala |language=Spanish|isbn= |oclc=

External links


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