- Antoine Izméry
Antoine Izméry (died
September 11 1993 ) was aHaïti an businessman and pro-democracy activist.Izméry, who was of
Palestinian descent, was among the wealthiest people in Haïti. He was one of the most prominent backers of former PresidentJean-Bertrand Aristide , and helped finance his election campaign. On the eve of the 1990 elections (which Aristide eventually won), Izméry accused formerPresident of the United States Jimmy Carter of attempting to ensure the victory of Aristide's rival,Marc Bazin . He reportedly caused some consternation in the American camp when he told former US Secretary of StateRobert S. McNamara , who was also in attendance, "that [McNamara] would have to take charge of the bloodbath" if Bazin came to power through a rigged election.When Aristide, having been elected President, was toppled and forced into exile by a
coup d'etat onSeptember 30 ,1991 , Izméry founded the KOMEVEB (Komite Mete men pou Verite Blayi) organisation, which attempted to discover and publicise the events surrounding the coup and see the return of democratic government. In 1992, Izméry's brother, Georges, was assassinated by a paramilitary death squad associated with the new regime. Antoine Izméry subsequently lodged a complaint with theInter-American Commission on Human Rights over the death, which sparked a sharply critical resolution from the commission.On
September 11 ,1993 , Antoine Izméry attended a mass that had been organised by KOMEVEB to commemorate the 1988Church of St. Jean Bosco massacre , where numerous people had been killed in an attempt on Aristide's life, when he had been a parish priest. Few journalists or human rights advocates dared attend, as there was a strong chance at the time that such a gathering would be attacked by paramilitaries. Izméry toldMichael Norton of theAssociated Press that he had been warned by the police that there would be bloodshed if the event went ahead. At around 6am, the church was surrounded by armed men in civilian clothing. Numerous journalists were beaten and detained, and placed under the charge ofJackson Joanis , who headed thePort-au-Prince police's feared "Anti-Gang Unit". While this was ongoing, a group of 10 men forced Izméry outside, and made him kneel before shooting him dead with a single bullet to the head.In September 1995, after Aristide had been returned to power, fourteen people, including former paramilitary leader
Louis-Jodel Chamblain and Joanis were convicted in absentia and sentenced to forced labour for life over Izméry's death. Chamblain soon fled into exile in theDominican Republic , and Joanis to theUnited States . Joanis was subsequently deported back to Haïti in 2002, but escaped during the rebellion that preceded Aristide's second fall from power.In early 2004, both men turned themselves in to the new regime - of which they were both supporters of, and on
August 17 2004 , they were both retried. In a trial lasting only one night, the pair were acquitted. Only one witness testified for the prosecution, and the conduct of the trial came in for sharp international criticism from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights andAmnesty International . Amnesty International claimed that key witnesses remained in hiding for fear of their lives, that evidence against the men from the first trial had disappeared, and that no attempt had been made to arrest the other twelve men from the original trial.He is survived by three children, two girls and one boy.External links
* [http://www.rnddh.org/breve.php3?id_breve=16 National Human Rights Defense Network : Press release on murder trial]
* [http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR360132004?open&of=ENG-384 Amnesty International Library : Haïti : Perpetrators of past abuses threaten human rights and the reestablishment of the rule of law.]
* [http://www.greentit.com/blog/CommentView.aspx?guid=8433d591-1cb7-4734-8771-1460f54026db GreenTit Blog : Haïti's brutal history largely of our making]
* [http://www.haitiaction.net/News/IJDH/8_17_4.html IJDH : Haïti Assassination Trial An Affront to All Those Who Have Worked and Died for Justice]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.