Fish of Oklahoma

Fish of Oklahoma

There are several types of freshwater fish in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is surrounded by land so there are no saltwater fish. Oklahoma is one of the five states that allows noodling, and one of the only three that allows alligator gar fishing tournaments. Here is a list of Oklahoma's fish.

*Alabama shad
*Alligator gar
*American Eel
*Arkansas darter
*Arkansas River shiner
*Banded darter
*Banded pygmy sunfish
*Banded sculpin
*Bantam sunfish
*Bigeye chub
*Bigeye shiner
*Bigmouth buffalo
*Black buffalo
*Black bullhead
*Black crappie
*Black redhorse
*Blackside darter
*Blackspot shiner
*Blackspotted topminnow
*Blackstripe topminnow
*Blacktail shiner
*Blue catfish
*Blue sucker
*Bluehead shiner
*Bluntface shiner
*Bluntnose darter
*Bluntnose minnow
*Brindled madtom
*Brook silverside
*Brown bullhead
*Brown trout
*Bullhead minnow
*Cardinal shiner
*Carmine shiner
*Central stoneroller
*Chain pickerel
*Channel catfish
*Channel darter
*Chestnut lamprey
*Chub shiner
*Common carp
*Common shiner
*Creek chub
*Creek Chubsucker
*Creole darter
*Crystal darter
*Cypress darterCypress minnow
*Dollar sunfish
*Dusky darter
*Emerald shiner
*Fantail darter
*Fathead minnow
*Flathead catfish
*Flathead chub
*Freckled madtom
*Freshwater drum
*Ghost shiner
*Gizzard shad
*Golden rehorse
*Golden shiner
*Golden topminnow
*Goldstripe darter
*Grass pickerel
*Gravel chub
*Green sunfish
*Greenside darter
*Harlequin darter
*Highfin carpsucker
*Hybrid striped bass
*Inland silverside
*Ironcolor shiner
*Johnny darter
*Kiamichi shiner
*Lake chubsucker
*Largemouth bass
*Largescale stoneroller
*Least darter
*Leopard darter
*Longear sunfish
*Longnose darter
*Longnose gar
*Lowland topminnow
*Mimic shiner
*Mississippi silvery minnow
*Mosquito fish
*Mountain madtom
*Mud darter
*Neosho madtom
*Northern hogsucker
*Northern pike
*Northern studfish
*Orangebelly darter
*Orangespotted sunfish
*Orangethroat darter
*Ouachita shiner
*Ozark cavefish
*Ozark minnow
*Paddlefish / Spoonbill
*Pallid shiner
*Peppered shiner
*Pirate perch
*Plains killifish
*Plains minnow
*Plains topminnow
*Prairie chub
*Pugnose minnow
*Rainbow trout
*Red river pupfish
*Red River shiner
*Red shiner
*Redbreast sunfish
*Redear sunfish
*Redfin darter
*Redfin shiner
*Redspot chub
*Redspot darter
*Redspotted sunfish
*Ribbon shiner
*River carpsucker
*River darter
*River redhorse
*River shiner
*Rock bass
*Rocky shiner
*Roseyface shiner
*Sand shiner
*Scaly sand darter
*Shadow bass
*Shoal chub
*Shorthead redhorse
*Shortnose gar
*Shovelnose sturgeon
*Silver chub
*Silverband shiner
*Skipjack herring
*Slender madtom
*Slenderhead darter
*Slim minnow
*Slough darter
*Smallmouth bass
*Smallmouth buffalo
*Southern brook lamprey
*Southern redbelly dace
*Speckled darter
*Spotfin shiner
*Spotted bass
*Spotted gar
*Spotted sucker
*Steelcolor shiner
*Stippled darter
*Striped bass
*Striped mullet
*Striped shiner
*Suckermouth minnow
*Swamp darter
*Tadpole madtom
*Taillight shiner
*Threadfin shad
*Wedgespot shiner
*Western sand darter
*White bass
*White crappie
*White sucker
*Yellow bass
*Yellow bullhead
*Yellow perch

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