The CEMMENTI (Canada Exchanges with the Mediterranean: Migration Experiences and their impact on Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism, and Identity) is an exchange program which falls under the umbrella of the [http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/hip/lld/lssd/iam/CFP/EU-2007.shtml Canada-EU Programme for Co-operation in Higher Education, Training and Youth] . CEMMENTI is one of many projects that aims to foster an academic community among higher education institutions in Canada and Europe.

The exchange specifically involves York University, Trent University, and the University of Prince Edward Island. The partner institutions in Europe are The University of Bologna, the University of Athens, and the University of Malta.

The Canadian universities will receive a number of European students and the European institutions will also receive a number of Canadian students. Through this exchange of students, European and Canadian university directors, professors, and other officials will communicate on various issues.


The European institutions will receive funding through the European Commission, the Canadian institutions will receive funding fromHuman Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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