Autodesk Developer Network

Autodesk Developer Network

The Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) is a developer program, run by Autodesk, for companies and individuals who develop products or services that use Autodesk technology.

Benefits of membership

ADN member benefits include:
* Website – Most of the ADN program benefits are available through the members-only website. This includes a knowledge base of technical solutions and white papers.
* Software – Development licenses for almost all Autodesk products. These products are available for download on the ADN website. This includes early access to pre-release software.
* Support – Unlimited online technical support from a dedicated team of software engineers.
* Conferences – Eligibility to attend members-only ADN conferences. These include early previews of future software releases, and access to Autodesk product engineers and experts.
* Training and Consulting – Some membership levels include eligibility for free API training and telephone consulting delivered by ADN engineers. The same engineers are available for onsite ‘programmer to programmer’ consulting.
* Marketing – Access to a wide range of marketing resources, such as direct mail, industry events and tradeshows, and the internet. There is a dedicated Partner Products and Services catalogue on the main Autodesk website where members can list their products, and sell them online - Members can also use Autodesk partner and product compatible logos.

See Membership levels for the full breakdown of benefits per level.

Developers covered by ADN

ADN membership is composed of the following broad categories:
* Commercial software companies
* Consultants and System Integrators
* Large companies and government organizations with internal software development staff
* Authors and Publishers of books and training materials on Autodesk products
* Computer hardware or peripheral manufacturers
* Universities performing design, engineering and geospatial software research

Membership levels

The annual fee for ADN membership depends on the membership level. There are three levels of ADN membership:

* Standard – Base service level for software developers working with Autodesk technologies. This offers
** Access to almost all Autodesk software and SDKs.
** Technical support with a three working day response
** Product direction through conferences
** Exposure on and promotional opportunities

* Professional - Service level for software developers with aggressive software development schedules and learning new Autodesk technologies. This offers all the Standard benefits, plus
** Technical support with a one working day response
** Eight hours of telephone consulting
** One to three free of charge API training classes (depending on user level)
** Specific company Promo Box on

* Premier - Service level for software development teams embarking on major new software development activities. This offers all the Professional benefits, plus
** Ten free of charge API training classes or onsite API training
** Strategic Technology Briefing at your location
** Five days onsite software development consulting
** Access to customer error reporting database entries for your products
** Named Autodesk software engineering contact

Free resources

The [ Autodesk Developer Center] provides information and links to free resources for those developers who do not require professional support. This includes tutorials, discussion groups, and quickstart guides.

See also

*Microsoft Developer Network
*Apple Developer Connection

External links

* [ Autodesk Developer Network]
* [ Autodesk Developer Center]
* [ Autodesk Partner Products & Services website]
* [ Autodesk API blog]

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