- Apples and Pears
Apples and pears may refer to:
* A book by
Guy Davenport
*Rhyming slang for "stairs"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Apples and pears may refer to:
* A book by
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
apples and pears — (rhyming sl; often shortened to apples) Stairs • • • Main Entry: ↑apple … Useful english dictionary
apples and pears — I Australian Slang Rhyming slang for stairs. To shoot down the apples and pears is to go down the stairs. Sometimes shortened to just apples. II Cockney Rhyming Slang Stairs Get yourself up the apples. III Everyday English Slang in Ireland stairs … English dialects glossary
Apples and pears — Rhyming slang for stairs. To shoot down the apples and pears is to go down the stairs. Sometimes shortened to just apples … Dictionary of Australian slang
apples and pears Brit. — apples and pears Brit. rhyming slang stairs. → apple … English new terms dictionary
apples and pears — noun stairs … Wiktionary
apples and pears — Meaning Stairs. Origin Cockney rhyming slang … Meaning and origin of phrases
apples and pears — n pl British stairs. One of the best known examples of cockney rhyming slang which, although authentic, is rarely heard these days … Contemporary slang
apples and pears — • Rhyming Slang for stairs . A rather cliched Rhyming Slang term which is more often than not used in a sarcastic manner as if to emulate (or take the piss out of) cockney speech. I am forced to add this saying as I get a suggestion every couple… … Londonisms dictionary
apples and pears — Noun. Stairs. Possibly the most commonly expressed piece of Cockney rhyming slang that is used as an example of such, or used in jocular mimicry. The term is infrequently heard used in genuine daily use … English slang and colloquialisms
apples and pears — plural noun Colloquial stairs. {rhyming slang} …