American linguistics — for the study of American languages, see Indigenous languages of the Americas. The history of linguistics in the United States begins with William Dwight Whitney, the first US taught academic linguist, who founded the American Philological… … Wikipedia
Germanism (linguistics) — A Germanismus is a German word that exists in a language, like a loan word was integrated, or a grammatical specificity of the German, in a different language was incorporated. Applications Most words in a language other over when they in the… … Wikipedia
Interpretative Semantik — Die Interpretative Semantik ist Kern der semantischen Theorie, die 1963 von dem Linguisten Jerrold Katz und dem Kognitionswissenschaftler Jerry Fodor publiziert wurde, um zu erklären, mit welchem Regelapparat ein Sprecher korrekte Sätze bildet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Charles Faulkner — For other people named Charles Faulkner, see Charles Faulkner (disambiguation). For other people named Faulkner, see Faulkner (surname). Charles Faulkner Charles Faulkner Born … Wikipedia
Semantik — (griechisch σημαίνειν sēmainein ‚bezeichnen‘), auch Bedeutungslehre, nennt man die Theorie oder Wissenschaft von der Bedeutung der Zeichen. Zeichen können in diesem Fall Wörter, Phrasen oder Symbole sein. Die Semantik beschäftigt sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
George Lakoff — Lakoff and Professor Lakoff redirect here. For the sociolinguist, see Robin Lakoff. George P. Lakoff (pronEng|ˈleɪkɒf, born May 24, 1941) is a professor of cognitive linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since … Wikipedia
Criticism of Noam Chomsky — Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author and lecturer. Chomsky is widely known for his critique of U.S. foreign policy, beginning with his critique of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. Much … Wikipedia
Generative Semantik — Die Generative Semantik ist ein generatives Grammatikmodell, das in den 1960er Jahren von George Lakoff , James D. McCawley , Paul M. Postal und John Robert Ross entwickelt wurde, als Reaktion auf Noam Chomskys Vernachlässigung der Semantik in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Noam Chomsky — (2004) Avram Noam Chomsky [ˈævɹəm ˈnoʊəm ˈtʃɑːmskɪ] (* 7. Dezember 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) ist Professor für Linguistik am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Chomsky ist einer der bekann … Deutsch Wikipedia
Laurence R. Horn — is Professor of Linguistics and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Linguistics at Yale University with specialties in pragmatics and semantics. He received his doctorate in 1972 from UCLA. Horn s primary research program lies… … Wikipedia