The Internal-Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Macedonia for the Macedonians (abbreviated VMRO-MNM) ( _mk. Внатрешно-македонска Револуционерна Организација-Македонија на Македонците, Latinic: "Vnatrešno-Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija-Makedonija na Makedoncite") is a racist, nationalist, separatist, expansionist and extremist organized crime syndicate active in the Republic of Macedonia and Greek Macedonia. The group believes that a United Macedonia should be established and gained national notoriety in the Republic of Macedonia on May 3, 2001 when they organized ethnic Macedonian riots in Bitola where the Muslim Albanian minority population were targeted. The riots were organized in response to members of the National Liberation Army killing 4 ethnic Macedonian soldiers during the 2001 Macedonia conflict. The organization is known for its anti-Albanian ideology and their support of ethnic cleansing to remove the large Albanian minority from the Republic of Macedonia. The group's leader and president was, and is still believed to be, Ljupčo Mircevski-Trepet. Trepet wrote a public manifesto in 2001 titled "Macedonia for the Macedonians" decrying unfair and abusive treatment of ethnic Macedonians in all present-day regions of historic Macedonia. He is believed to be residing in Sweden although no real intelligence of his whereabouts is apparent. [ [http://www.tkb.org/KeyLeader.jsp?memID=4148 Mircevski-Trepet, Ljupco] Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism]

ee also

*Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
*United Macedonia
*2001 Macedonia conflict


External links

* [http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp?groupID=3636 Macedonian Revolutionary Organization at the MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base]

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