Jean Perréal

Jean Perréal

Jean Perréal (b. after 1450 - d. after 1530), sometimes called Peréal, Johannes Parisienus or Jean De Paris. He was a successful portraitist for French Royalty in the first half of the 16th Century, as well as an architect, sculptor and illuminator. He was active mostly in France and in Italy and London as well.

Perréal’s major patrons were Charles of Bourbon, King Charles VIII, Louis XII and Francis I, all of France. It is mentioned that in honor of Charles of Bourbon he painted escutcheons for the entry of the nobleman to the city of Lyon [ [ "Perréal, Jean", "The Grove Dictionary of Art", 2000,] ] , but the date of Charles' birth, 1489, and the time of the artist's residence in Lyons do not coincide accurately. His most remarkable works are often considered to be a portrait of Charles VIII (Musée Condé) and a miniature piece, "Pierre Sala", a poet who, like Perréal, was a royal valet de chambre.

He was an accomplished designer of tombs, medals, theater scenery and ceremonies, including the marriage of King Louis XII and his second wife Mary Tudor. For the marriage, Perréal was sent to London, in 1514, where he also executed a portrait of Mary Tudor. He also crafted a unique portrait of Louis XII working in a glazed paint pigment on glass, titled "Louis XII of France in Prayer" (Walters Art Museum). As a sculptural designer, Perréal sketched the design for the tomb of Francis II, Duke of Brittany, and is was executed by the French sculptor Michel Colombe in the cathedral of Nantes.

His style is noted as keeping to the elegant French tradition, as well as a touch of Flemish realism. [ [ "Perréal, Jean", "Encyclopædia Britannica." 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 24 July 2007 .] ]


Selected Works

*1498 - "Portrait of Charles VIII", Oil, (Musée Condé, Chantilly) [|en&u=]
*1520 - "Portrait of Mary Tudor", Oil on panel, (National Portrait Gallery, London) []
*"The Alchemist Talking with Nature", miniature, (Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris) []

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