

Saima is a Pakistani actress from Multan.

Saima's debut was directed by Akram Khan. She was cast on the spot for the main leadin Khatarnaak, in 1990. Saima has steadily ascended the ladder of success. Saima was discovered at the time when Sultan Rahi was the number one hero. The record breaking success of
Syed Noor’s blockbuster Choorian made her a house hold name over night.

Saima joined Lollywood at a time when Anjuman absolutely dominated the scene. Anjuman was so busy that some producers were becoming frustrated due Anjuman's dates and werealready looking for replacement. The alternative came in the shape of Saima who took fulladvantage of the opportunity.Saima is very famous in middle standard peoples of Pakistan. Because only middle standard people watch the punjabi movies.Saima rocked the movies back then.


* Khatarnaak
* Piya Naam Ka Diya date
* One Two Ka One
* Larki Punjaban
* Moosa Khan
* Angaray
* Jungle Queen
* Peechan
* Choorian
* Khelona
* Ghunghat
* Gabbar Singh
* But Shikan
* International Luterey
* Chakori
* Khuda Ghawah
* Hasinon Ki Barat
* Sher Ali
* Daku Rani
* Majajan
* Jhoomar

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