Personal care

Personal care

Personal care or toiletries is the industry which manufactures consumer products used for beautification and in personal hygiene.


Subsectors of personal care include cosmetics and feminine hygiene.

There is some small distinction between personal hygienic items and cosmetics, which are luxury goods solely used for beautification, but in practice such sundries are most often intermixed in retail store aisles.


Personal care includes products as diverse as chapstick, colognes, cotton swabs, deodorant, eye liner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lipstick, lotion, makeup, mouthwash, nail files, perfumes, personal lubricant, razors, shampoo, shaving cream, skin cream, toilet paper, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, to give a few examples.


A few examples of the major corporations in the personal care industry, illustrating the great diversity in the industry, include:

* Band-Aid
* Clairol
* Global Gillette
* Johnson & Johnson
* Lancôme
* Maybelline
* Proctor & Gamble
* Remington Products

Other corporations, such as pharmacies (e.g. CVS/pharmacy, Walgreens) primarily retail in personal care rather than manufacturing personal care products themselves.


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