- Tassilo Chalice
The Tassilo Chalice is a bronze chalice, gilded with silver and gold, dating from the 8th century, which has probably always been at
Kremsmünster Abbey ,Austria .Dating from c. 770-790 AD, the chalice was donated by Luitpirga, wife of the
Bavaria nDuke Tassilo III, possibly on the occasion of the establishment of theBenedictine Abbey atKremsmünster in 777.The chalice is composed of an egg-shaped cup, a large
knop and a relatively narrow foot (base). The chalice is cast in bronze that has been gilded with gold and silver and decorated by various methods, includingniello engravings and chip-carving. It stands 25.5 cm high, and weighs 3.05 kg; its cup holds approximately 1.75 litres.The interlinked oval medallions round the cup show Christ (together with the initials "I" and "S", for "Iesus Salvator") and four
Evangelist portrait s, each Evangelist with his symbol. Round the base areicon s of theVirgin Mary ,John the Baptist , and, according to an uncertain interpretation, the Lombard queenTheodolinda . The interlace decoration which covers most of the rest of the exterior contains some animals. [CR Dodwell, "Anglo-Saxon Art, A New Perspective",pp 208-9; 1982, Manchester UP, ISBN 071900926X] Around the foot is the Latin inscription: TASSILO DUX FORTIS + LIVTPIRG VIRGA REGALIS.Citation | last =Thurston | first =Herbert | contribution =Chalice | year =1908 | title =TheCatholic Encyclopedia | volume =III | place=New York | publisher =Robert Appleton Company | url =http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03561a.htm | accessdate =2007-07-23 ]The chalice is an outstanding and original object, possibly made by
Northumbria n craftsmen, decorated with Hiberno-Saxon ornament typical of the period. [Citation | contribution =Tassilo Chalice | year =2002-2007 | title =Archaeology Wordsmith | editor-last =Kipfer | editor-first =Barbara Ann, PhD | volume = | pages = | place= | publisher = | id = | url =http://www.reference-wordsmith.com/cgi-bin/lookup.cgi?exact=1&terms=Tassilo+Chalice | accessdate =2007-07-23] The style is more typical of the Anglo-Saxon rather than Irish component of this hybrid style. There is evidence that monks themselves were trained asgoldsmith s in the insular period, like St.Dunstan , a 10th centuryArchbishop of Canterbury , andSalzburg for example, was a centre of theAnglo-Saxon mission .The care and artistry with which it was worked and the rich decoration show that it was the product of the highest craftsmanship of the day. Although church synods held in the 8th and 9th centuries expressly prohibited the use of copper and bronze for use in consecrated chalices,cite encyclopedia | title =Metalwork | encyclopedia =Encyclopædia Britannica Online | publisher =Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. | date =2007 | url =http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-583996/Tassilo-Chalice | accessdate =2007-07-23] this is one of a few surviving examples of such vessels from that time.
The character of the ornamentation shows clearly the predominance of Insular and Anglo-Saxon influences, even though it may have been made on the Continent. Its place of manufacture is uncertain, and it may have been produced in
northern Italy , butMondsee orSalzburg have also been suggested. Together with theArdagh Chalice and theDerrynaflan Chalice and associatedpaten , all of Irish origin, it is one of most impressive of the very few surviving large pieces of Insular church metalwork - most examples of the style are secular brooches. [Michael Ryan in: Susan Youngs (ed), "The Work of Angels", Masterpieces of Celtic Metalwork, 6th-9th centuries AD", 1989, British Museum Press, London, ISBN 0714105546. The survey here (pp 125-8) lists only five Irish chalices from the 8th and 9th centuries, and does not include the Tassilo chalice.] Anglo-Saxon metalwork was highly regarded as far away as Italy, and especially noted for its engraving, but even fewer pieces have survived than from Ireland. [Dodwell op cit pp.188-215, esp. 202-210]References
*G. Haseloff (1951), "Der Tassilokelch". Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 1. Munich.
*G. Haseloff (1977), "Zum Stand der Forschung zum Tassilokelch." In: Jung, H. (Hrsg), "Baiernzeit in Oberösterreich". Von Severin zu Tassilo. Linz.
*V. Bierbrauer (1988), "Liturgische Gerätschaften aus Baiern und seinen Nachbarregionen in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter". In: Dannheimer, H. (Hrsg.): "Die Bajuwaren". Von Severin bis Tassilo 488-788. Munich.
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