

Hikkup is a free social networking startup company started in May 2006 that provides anonymous messaging via networks already in-place. Messages can be sent via email, Facebook, MySpace, Tagged, MSN messenger, Hi5, Yahoo messenger, AIM and through a Firefox extension [http://www.firefoxfacts.com/2007/08/20/share-anything-online-anonymously/] . Its product is aimed at teenagers, but the company is looking to expand its market. [http://www.startupreporter.com/index.php]

Hikkup is more integrated into MySpace and Facebook, as they have a widget for MySpace and a Facebook application on Facebook.

The company is also producing a similar product called MyMirror designed to allow friends to "rate [you] anonymously". [http://blog.hikkup.com/?p=22]


* [http://www.hikkup.com Hikkup.com]
* http://mashable.com/2007/07/17/hikkup
* http://fan-force.com/blog/?p=28
* [http://www.startupreporter.com/index.php Startup Reporter Jul 18, 2007]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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