Pasqual Sanchis Moscardó

Pasqual Sanchis Moscardó

Pasqual Sanchis Moscardó (El Genovés, 1963) was a Valencian pilota professional player known as Pigat II. Son of the Raspall player Pigat I and brother of Pigat III, Pasqual has been a renowned "dauer" in the Escala i corda variety. He retired in 2000, but he keeps working for the Valencian Pilota Federation as the coach of the Valencian Pilota Squad, where he was a relevant player in the International Championships. "Pigat II" is also a technical assistant of the "pilota" company ValNet, and a "trinqueter" of some trinquets.


As a pilotari

* Winner of the Campionat Nacional d'Escala i Corda 1985 and 1987
* Runner-up of the Campionat Nacional d'Escala i Corda 1989
* Winner of the Circuit Bancaixa 1993, 1995 and 1996
* Runner-up of the Circuit Bancaixa 1994 and 1999
* Runner-up of the Trofeu Individual Bancaixa 1998 and 1999.

Handball International Championships
* Runner-up of Llargues and International game at the European Championship, France 1994
* Winner of Llargues at the World Championship, Spain 1996
* Winner of Llargues at the World Championship, France 1998
* Winner of Llargues at the European Championship, Italy 1999
* Winner of Llargues at the World Championship, Spain 2000

As a coach

* Winner of the Frontó and International game at the European Championship, France 2003
* Runner-up of Llargues, France 2003
* Winner of Llargues at the World Championship, Italy 2004
* Winner of the International game at the European Championship, Belgium 2007
* Runner-up of Llargues, Belgium 2007
* Absolute champion, Belgium 2007

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