

Aro may refer to:

* Aro people, an Igbo subgroup in Africa
* Aro Confederacy, a Igbo slave-trading political union
* Årø, a small island in the Lillebælt in Denmark
* Aro gTér, a lineage within Tibetan Buddhism
* Aro, a deity in Igbo mythology
* Aro, a folk instrument used in traditional Yoruba music

ARO may stand for:

*ARO (Auto Romania), a car company
*Asset retirement obligation, a financial liability which provides for future disposal of assets
*Arctic Research Office, a division of the US NOAA
*Arizona Radio Observatory, a part of Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona
*Army Research Office, a department of the United States Army Research Laboratory
*Agricultural Research Organization, of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture
*ARO, the stock ticker symbol for Aéropostale (clothing)

ee also

* Aero (disambiguation)

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