Hemp mosaic virus

Hemp mosaic virus

name = Hemp mosaic virus (SHMV)
virus_group = IV: (+)sense RNA Viruses
familia =
genus = Tobamovirus
species = Hemp mosaic virus
synonyms = bean strain of tobacco mosaic virus
cowpea strain of tobacco mosaic virus
cowpea chlorotic spot virus
cowpea mosaic virus
cowpea yellow mosaic virus
Crotalaria mucronata mosaic virus
dolichos enation mosaic virus
Sunn-hemp rosette virus

Hemp mosaic virus (SHMV) is a plant pathogenic virus.

External links

* [http://phene.cpmc.columbia.edu/ICTVdB/ ICTVdB - The Universal Virus Database: Hemp mosaic virus]
* [http://www.virology.net/Big_Virology/BVFamilyGroup.html Family Groups - The Baltimore Method]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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