Senecio lamarckianus

Senecio lamarckianus

name = Bois De Chèvre

status = CR | status_system = IUCN2.3
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
tribus = Senecioneae
genus = "Senecio"
species = "S. lamarckianus"
binomial = "Senecio lamarckianus"
binomial_authority = Bullock
synonyms = "Senecio appendiculatus" (Lam.) DC ex Bojercite book
last = Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Thomas Brendler
title = Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Indian Ocean Islands
year = 2004
publisher = CRC Press
isbn = 3887630947

"Senecio lamarckianus", the Bois De Chèvre ( _en. Goat of the Wood), is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family and a member of the genus "Senecio". It is endemic to the island Mauritius and is threatened by habitat loss.cite web
url =
title = "Senecio lamarckianus" – Critically Endangered
accessdate = 2008-03-09
author = Page, W. & Florens, D.
authorlink = IUCN Red List
year = 2000
format = HTML
publisher = [ 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ]

"S. lamarckianus" is named after the French philosopher, botanist and zoologist Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck.


Goat of the Wood or "S. lamarckianus" is a many branched perennial shrub that grows to be convert|2|m|ft|lk=on to convert|3|m|ft tall.

Leaves and stems:The stalk and branches are densely covered with white hairs. Oblong leather-like leaves are silvery greenish colored,cite web
url =
title = "Senecio lamarckianus" (Bois de Chèvre)
accessdate = 2008-03-09
format = HTML
work = Endemics In Mondrain
publisher = [ floralis]
] convert|11|cm|in|lk=on to convert|13|cm|in long by convert|3|cm|in to convert|5.2|cm|in wide and are attached to the branch with a leaf stalk convert|1|cm|in to convert|2|cm|in long, which bear on opposite sides small, well-spaced lanceolate lobules. Pointed at the tips and slender at the base; serrated, more so at the tips, mostly hairless on the tops and densely hairy underneath.

Flowers:Numerous flower heads which cluster into a flat top, each on its own flower stalk; center flower heads tending to open first. Inflorescence is completely covered in white hairs and appears in groups of seven. Clusters composed of ray florets, with convert|2.8|mm|in long yellow rays, tube convert|2|mm|in long. Internal florets, with yellow convert|3.9|mm|in corolla with convert|1.6|mm|in long lobes.

Fruits:Achenes can vary between convert|1.2|mm|in and convert|1.8|mm|in in length, are smooth and bear a pappus of convert|2.7|mm|in to convert|3|mm|in long with white hairs.


Endiemic to Mauritius, now very rare, found in dry mountainous regions around the summit peaks of the island.Localities: Mondrain, Pieter Both Mountain, Gubbies, Piton du Fouge Ridge Forest, crests above Port Louis, most of them in Piton du Fouge. There is a chance there are more individuals in more remote areas.

Possible synonyms

*"Senecio lyratus" Forssk.
*"Senecio auriculatus" Vahl
*"Senecio lyratipartitus" A.Rich.
*"Cineraria schimperi" Oliv. & Hiern
*"Senecio basipinnatus" Baker
*"Senecio masonii" De Wild.
*"Senecio lyratipartita" (A.Rich.) Cuf.cite web
url =
title = Entry for "Senecio lyratus" Forssk. [family COMPOSITAE]
accessdate = 2008-03-09
format = HTML
work = African Plants
publisher = Ithaka Harbors, Inc.


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