Terma A/S

Terma A/S

Terma A/S is a Danish company that develops and markets high-tech solutions, systems, and products for civilian and military applications.

From making thermometers to producing star trackers, Terma has evolved into a global supplier of high-tech products and technology to the defense and aerospace industries. The group's international customers contribute more than 80 % of Terma's total sales.

The Defense businesses of Terma cover the following Business areas:
* Airborne Systems (ASY), providing:
** Electronics Warfare systems for fixed and rotary wing aircraft,
** Tactical recce solutions,
** Applied aerostructures for integration of technology upgrades of aircraft and
** Electronics Manufacturing Services for Defense and Space customers. ASY has a leading position within upgrade of legacy aircraft and key customers incl US Air Force ANG, RNLAF, EPAF F-16 and RDAF
* Aerostructures (AES), providing design and produces advanced structures for civil and military aircraft
* Integrated Systems (ISY), providing Command and Control Solutions for Army, navy and Air Defense. The Business unit has a leading position within selfprotection systems (SKWS) for naval ships. Integrated Systems is as well providing Air Traffic Management solutions for Air Traffic Control centres and towers.
* Space (SPD), providing on-board electronics and software for satellites as well as control centres. Key focus areas are power conditioning systems and star trackers for satellites.
* Radar Systems (RSY), a leading player within Radar Sensors for coastal surveillance, Vessel Traffic Services, surface movement radars for airports and side looking airborne radars for detection and mapping of oil spill.

The group has established a presence in the United States with the 2004 formation of subsidiary Terma North America in Georgia and Washington, D.C..

Terma A/S headquarters are located in Lystrup near Århus, Denmark. In Denmark, other Terma facilities are located at Grenaa, Herlev, and Skive. Abroad, Terma locations include Leiden, The Netherlands; Darmstadt near Frankfurt, Germany; Washington D.C., Warner Robins, Georgia, USA and Singapore.

Terma was founded in 1944 by Orla and Svend Aage Jørgensen, and is 100 % Danish-owned. Terma is owned by Thrige Holding A/S (90 %) and Terma A/S (10 %).

External links

* [http://www.terma.com/ Terma A/S official website]

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