Franz Blei

Franz Blei

Franz Blei (1871 - 10 July 1942, New York) was an essayist, playwright and translator from Vienna. He was also noted as a bibliophile, a critic, an editor and publisher, and a fine wit in conversation. He was a friend and collaborator of Franz Kafka.


He was the son of a shoe-maker, and trained as an architect. After spending several years trying to escape from Nazi-occupied Europe, in 1941 he settled in New York.


He translated into German work by Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde and Molière among others and also published his own monograph on the paintings of the symbolist Felicien Rops. He was also a prolific editor of small-press journals.

Kafka said of him: "Franz Blei is much cleverer, and greater, than what he writes." (Janouch, 1971. "Conversations With Kafka").

"Amethyst" and "The Opals"

From December 1905 - November 1906 he was the editor of the private magazine "Amethyst" (pub. Hans von Weber) and then "The Opals", which were available by subscription only and were mildly pornographic. The journals featured the artwork of Aubrey Beardsley and Felicien Rops, texts by Jules Laforgue and also erotic prose from translated texts by Paul Verlaine and classic erotic plays and poems from around the world. Only 800 numbered copies were produced of each issue, and the young Kafka had a subscription. "The Opals" was the first to publish Carl Einstein's "Bebuquin", the first German expressionist novel. [ [ Bebuquin ] at] These literary small-press journals, known about by Kafka scholars for many decades, became the basis for a silly season press story in 2008, [ [ Franz Kafka’s porn brought out of the closet - Times Online ] at] in "The Times" of London, when a novelist promoting a new book claimed to have discovered Kafka's 'secret pornography stash' among his archived papers.


From 1908 to 1909 he co-edited the short-lived journal "Hyperion" with Carl Sternheim, which was the first to publish work by a young Franz Kafka. The first issue published a short fragment of Kafka's story "Description of a Struggle". More substantial extracts of the work were published in the final issue of "Hyperion" in the spring of 1909. Extracts from another seven Kafka works were also published in the magazine.


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