Probus (journal)

Probus (journal)

Infobox Journal
title = Probus: International Journal of Latinand Romance Linguistics

editor = W. Leo Wetzels
discipline = Latin language Romance languages Theoretical linguistics
abbreviation =
publisher = Mouton de Gruyter
country = Germany
frequency = Semi-annually (three times a year before 1998)
history = 1989 - present
openaccess =
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link1-name = Atypon Link
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ISSN = 0921-4771
eISSN = 1613-4079

Probus: International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics is an international peer-reviewed journal of Latin and Romance linguistics, published by Mouton de Gruyter. Its editor-in-chief is Prof. W. Leo Wetzels (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Recent issues (after 2001) are accessible online with subscription via the site of the publisher and Atypon Link.

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