- Student prank
University students have a long association with pranks and japes. [ [http://www.princeton.edu/mudd/news/faq/topics/pranks.shtml Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library : FAQ Student pranks ] ] [ [http://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2006/10/student_pranks.html Kiwiblog » Blog Archive » Student Pranks ] ] [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/china/story/0,7369,1075600,00.html Student prank that gave the Chinese a fit of the willies | World news | The Guardian ] ] [ [http://www.epigram.org.uk/view.php?id=1503 Epigram Online - Alarming consequences for student pranks ] ] [ [http://www.fox11az.com/news/topstories/stories/kmsb-20070614-PEjc-prank.338b9df.html Sticky student prank injures teacher | Top Stories | FOX11AZ.com | News for Tucson, Arizona ] ] These can often involve petty crime, such as the theft of
traffic cone s and other public property, [ [http://www.hero.ac.uk/uk/studying/archives/2001/nightmare_on_student_stre901.cfm Nightmare on student street ] ] or hoaxes. [ [http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/12/24/students_tall_tale_revealed/ Student's tall tale revealed - The Boston Globe ] ] [http://www.regrettheerror.com/2005/12/students_hoax_l.html] [ [http://archive.southcoasttoday.com/daily/12-05/12-24-05/a01lo719.htm Federal agents' visit was a hoax: 12/ 24/ 2005 ] ] [http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/the_news/news/news49.pdf] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/474853.stm BBC News | Education | Student praised for hoax essay ] ] [ [http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/Hoaxipedia/Great_Rose_Bowl_Hoax/ Great Rose Bowl Hoax] , Museum of Hoaxes, accessedApril 2 ,2008 .] [ [http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20070712-0846-bombthreathoax.html SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Nation - College student pleads guilty to hoax alleging bomb threat on Chicago's Sears Tower ] ] [ [http://news.netscape.com/story/2006/10/24/student-admits-bomb-hoax-in-bid-to-delay-flight Student admits bomb hoax in bid to delay flight » Propeller ] ] [ [http://www.co.washington.or.us/sheriff/media/2hs_hoax.htm Washington County Sheriff’s Office - Aloha High School Student Brings Hoax Device to School ] ] [ [http://www.chinatechnews.com/blog/2005/12/25/student-created-hoax-about-maos-red-book Student Created Hoax About Mao’s Red Book - BDL Media China Blog - Looking at the technology, media, publishing, and advertising sectors in China ] ] In fact, practical jokes play such a significant part in student culture that numerous books have been published that solely focus on the issue of student pranks. [Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT by T.F. Peterson (Paperback - 1 April 2003)] [If at All Possible, Involve a Cow: The Book of College Pranks by Neil Steinberg (Paperback - 1992)]In some university towns, misbehaviour on the part of students became such an issue that a report has been released which studies the issue. The report, "Studentification: A Guide to Opportunities, Challenges and Practice", by Universities UK, focuses on six British universities as case studies.
Statistics show that one in five students is in possession of a stolen traffic cone. [ [http://www.bikereader.com/contributors/Browning/signs.html You Talking to Me? ] ] In fact, the issue of the theft and misuse of traffic cones by students has gained enough prominence that a spokesperson from the
National Union of Students has been forced to argue that "stereotypes of students stealing traffic cones" are "outdated". [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4640168.stm BBC NEWS | Education | Rowdy students 'must be tackled' ] ]Some universities have gone as far as to devote entire pages of legislation and advice for students with regards to the consequences and laws involving the theft of traffic cones. [ [http://www.worcsu.com/content/index.php?page=1362 Worcester Students Union - The Home for Worcester University Students ] ] Misuse of traffic cones in
Scotland has even resulted in serious physical injury. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/6163030.stm BBC NEWS | Scotland | Edinburgh and East | Falling road cone injures student ] ]A recent report by
Student Direct claims that the theft of traffic cones in the greaterManchester area is at an all time high. [ [http://www.manchester.com/student/News-cone.php Manchester.com Student News - TRAFFIC CONE THEFTS ] ]The traffic cone theft issue came to such a head in the 1990s that it was brought up in parliament. [ [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199697/cmhansrd/vo961211/text/61211w15.htm House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 11 Dec 1996 (pt 15) ] ]
2002 , Fife Constabulary declared a "traffic cone amnesty" allowingUniversity of St. Andrews students to return stolen traffic cones without fear of prosecution. A police spokesman had said that the theft of traffic cones had become "an almost weekly occurrence". [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2004218.stm BBC NEWS | Scotland | Students urged to cone clean ] ]References
ee also
Senior prank
*Capping stunt
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