Ephraim Benton

Ephraim Benton

Ephraim Benton (born January 25,1978) is an American actor.


Personal life

Ephraim Benton is the oldest of seven children; five boys and two girls born from Annette Lewter. His father Tyrone Benton is the proud grandpa of his two daughters Ziona Benton & Amber Benton.


With over twelve years of acting experience on both the small and big screen, Benton has recently taken a lead role behind the scenes as well. Appearances on such television dramas as Law & Order, NYPD Blue, and The Sopranos, comedy programming including the Chappelle's Show, and film roles in projects including Baby Boy, Anne B. Real and Prison Song.He played "Ash" (voice) for [The Warriors] (video game).

External links

*imdb name|0072924
*amg name|2:365641
*tvtome person|164137
* [http://www.blackstarnews.com/?c=135&a=3034 Black Star News]
* [http://www.curtainup.com/whichwolfiswhich.html Curtainup.com]
* [http://www.brightcove.com/title.jsp?title=1114190949&channel=78347884 brightcove.com]
* [http://www.indieflix.com/FilmDetail.aspx?tid=10282&name=Brown%20Paper%20Bags indieflix.com]

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