List of Pokémon (221-240)

List of Pokémon (221-240)

At the core of the multi-billion dollar resembles a combination of an octopus and a tank. This is reflected in its abilities, including squirting ink as a means of self-defense. Also, like octopuses, Octillery can move about by squirting pressurized water from its mouth. Octillery is a carnivore; they catch fish with their tentacles, and kill (and afterwards eat) it by smashing the rocky protrusions on its head into its opponent's skull. Octillery is a nesting creature, in that it sleeps in burrows it prepares; however, its nests are temporary structures only, and it rarely uses the same nest two nights in a row.


is an improved version of its pre-evolution Porygon. It has enhanced abilities, including increased potency in combat. As opposed to most evolved Pokémon, Porygon2 is shorter and lighter than Porygon. Its artificial intelligence has been developed to such a degree as to give it the capacity to learn on its own from its surroundings and experiences. This results in Porygon2 occasionally exhibiting behavior or motions that were not included in its original programming. Porygon2 was originally intended to be used as a space probe. Unfortunately, since it cannot fly, such an application has been abandoned. Silph Co. seems to have fixed that problem in "Pokémon Diamond and Pearl"; Porygon's evolved form, Porygon-Z, can hover above the ground.

Porygon2 evolves from a Porygon that has been traded while holding the Up-Grade item, and will evolve into Porygon Z if it is traded while holding the Dubious Disc item. Porygon2 also makes two cameos in the fighting game "Super Smash Bros. Melee". It is one of an assortment of Pokémon that can emerge from a Poké Ball item, and a collectible Porygon2 trophy can also be obtained.

Porygon2 has never appeared in the Pokemon anime, due to the controversial Pokemon episode: Dennō Senshi Porygon.


is the painter of the Pokémon world, best known for its unique "Sketch" attack. It has a long tail that ends in a tuft of fur similar to a paintbrush. The tuft is continuously soaked by a special fluid secreted from the tip of the tail. The color of the fluid is predetermined for each Smeargle. The fluid is used to mark the boundaries of its territory and print its footprints on the backs of its fellows once they reach maturity. Over 5,000 distinctive marks left by the species have been found in the Pokémon world.

Smeargle has its "Sketch" technique, which is unique to Smeargle. When used, it will "replace itself permanently" with the last attack technique used by an opponent Pokémon against Smeargle. It learns Sketch every ten levels. There are a few attacks Sketch cannot copy, (Such as Chatots main attack Chatter) but it can learn nearly every attack in the game.


number = 236
type = Fighting
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop
nihongo|Tyrogue|バルキー|Barukī|Balkie in original Japanese language versions is a fighting Pokémon with three different evolutions, the first generation's Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and one introduced in the same generation, Hitmontop. The Pokémon that it evolves into is based upon the attack and defense statistics of the Tyrogue at the point of evolution. Tyrogue is very energetic; it puts this energy into training. It constantly challenges, or randomly attacks, different Pokémon in order to get stronger, though it often ends up with injuries caused by much stronger Pokémon. Even if it loses, it will never give up on its training. If a captive Tyrogue doesn't have various set training methods established by its trainer, it will often become stressed. Tyrogue and its evolutions are based as all male.


number = 237
type = Fighting
type2 =
evolvesfrom = Tyrogue
evolvesto =
nihongo|Hitmontop|カポエラー|Kapoerā|Capoeirer in original Japanese language versions has a sharp point on the top of its head which allows it to balance itself upside-down on its head, the position which it holds in much of the time while it is observed. While it can walk upright, it often travels by spinning like a top, letting it travel much faster. Using the centrifugal force to boost its attack by ten times, it launches elegant kicks while spinning. This allows it to throw off its opponent's timing, and give it a good mix of offense and defense. If it spins fast enough, it can dig into the ground. Any punch or hand based moves breed into or learned by a Tyrogue will carry into either of its evolved forms. This means that even a Hitmontop can know a move like Mach Punch or High Jump Kick.


number = 238
type = Ice
type2 = Psychic
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Jynx
nihongo|Smoochum|ムチュール|Muchūru|Muchul in original Japanese language versions is a the pre-evolution of Jynx that was introduced a generation after. It is a female-only species that uses its lips, the most sensitive part of its body, to examine new and unfamiliar objects, and remember its likes and dislikes. This sensitivity quickly develops as it grows. It actively runs about, but often falls. When idle, it rocks its head back and forth, as if it were kissing someone. It constantly searches for ways to see its reflection, so it can see if its face is dirty.


number = 239
type = Electric
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Electabuzz
nihongo|Elekid|エレキッド|Erekiddo is the baby form of Electabuzz, introduced in "Pokémon Gold", "Silver", and "Crystal". Elekid stores electricity in its body by constantly rotating its arms, causing the space between its horns to flicker with a bluish-white electrical charge. It easily tires out, so it can only charge a little bit at a time if it accidentally touches metal and discharges its electricity. It is always happy when there is thunder rumbling, even in the most vicious of storms.


number = 240
type = Fire
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Magmar
nihongo|Magby|ブビィ|Bubī|Buby in original Japanese language versions is the baby form of Magmar. Its body temperature and the fire that it breathes are constantly over 1 F. Its health is determined by the state of its flame; healthy Magbys have pure yellow flames, while black smoke is mixed in with unhealthy ones. As it breathes, embers constantly dribble out of its nostrils and its mouth. It lives in volcanic craters, and an eruption is imminent when many Magby gather in one place.


External links

* [ Bulbapedia] - The Pokémon encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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