



Records of Kashiwabara-juku itself date back to the Middle Ages when it was metioned in the "Taiheiki", a historical epic of Japan. A post station was first established in the Kashiwabara-juku area in 646. [http://www.za.ztv.ne.jp/wdqbj4xp/ Kashiwabara-juku Rekishi] . Maibara-shi Kashiwabara-juku Rekishikan. Accessed July 18, 2007.] The Kashiwabara-juku established by Tokugawa Ieyasu in the 17th century was approximately 1.5km from east to west, making it one of the larger post stations along the Nakasendō. [http://www.shiga-bunshin.or.jp/rekisikairou/Bukaijigyou/nakasendo/kashiwabara/index.html Kashiwabara-juku: Shukueki Sansaku] . Ōmi Historical Promotion Society. Accessed November 13, 2007.] Different sources place the number of "hatago" as either 344 [http://www.biwako-visitors.jp/search/spot_around_918.html Shiga-ken Kankō Jōhō: Nakasendō] . Biwa-ko Visitors Bureau. Accessed November 13, 2007.] or 457, though either number would be large when compared to other post stations.

In 1996, a study was conducted which showed that over one-fifth of the structures in the Kashiwabara-juku area were built in the either the Edo or Meiji periods. Nowadays, it is known for its wormwood, which is the local specialty. At one point, there were over ten shops that specialized in wormwood products.

Neighboring Post Towns

;Nakasendō:Imasu-juku - Kashiwabara-juku - Samegai-juku

ee also

* [http://www.biwa.ne.jp/~katori/rekikan.htm Kashiwabara-juku History Museum] (Japanese)


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