Jock Young

Jock Young

Jock Young is a sociologist and criminologist.

He began teaching at Enfield College of Technology.

He was a member of the National Deviancy Conference in the late 1960's and 1970s [Hopkins Burke, R. (2001) "An Introduction to Criminological Theory", Cullompton: Willan pg.154 ] [Young, J. (2002) [ "Critical Criminology in the Twenty-First Century: Critique, Irony and the Always Unfinished"] In Carrington, K. & Hogg, R. eds Critical Criminology: Issues Debates, Challenges, Cullompton: Willan]

Along with Ian Taylor and Paul Walton, he wrote the groundbreaking book "" in 1973.

Later however, Young developed left realism along with John Lea see also the work of Richard Kinsey, and Roger Matthews.

Formerly a professor at the Middlesex University, he is now lecturing at the University of Kent. [Jock Young's staff page [] ] where he is now involved in a new theoretical development known as cultural criminology.

Publications and Articles


*Young, J. (1968) "The Role of the Police as Amplifiers of Deviance, Negotiators of Reality and Translators of Phantasy", NDC 1st Symposium (November)


*Young, J. (1970) "The Drugtakers: the Social Meaning of Drug Use", London: McGibbon and Kee
*Bailey, R. & Young, J. (eds) (1973) "Contemporary Social Problems in Britain", Farnborough: Saxon House:::-Young, J. (1973) "Student Drug Use and Middle-Class Delinquency"
*Taylor, I., Walton, P. & Young, J. (1973) "The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance" (International Library of Sociology), London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-03447-7
*Young, J. (1974) "New Directions in Subcultural Theory", In: Rex, J. (ed) "Approaches to Sociology" London: RKP
*Taylor, I., Walton, P. & Young, J. (eds) (1975) "Critical Criminology", London: Routledge:::-Young, J. (1975) "Working-class Criminology"
*Young, J. (1977) "The Politics of Indiscrimination", Middlesex Polytechnic: Mimeo
*Fine, B., Kinsey, R., Lea, J., Picciotto, S. & Young, J. (eds) (1979) "Capitalism and the Rule of Law", London: Hutchinson:::-Young, J. (1979) "Left idealism, reformism and beyond"


*Young, J. (1980) " [ Thinking Seriously About Crime] " In: Fitzgerald, M., McLennan, G. & Pawson, J. (eds) "Crime and Society: Readings in History and Theory", London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
*Cowell, D., Jones, T. & Young, J. (eds) (1981) "Policing the Riots", London: Junction:::-Lea, J. & Young, J. (1981) "The Riots in Britain 1981"
*Cohen, S. & Young, J. (1981 revised ed) "The Manufacture of News", London: Constable:::-Young, J. (1981) "A Critique of Left Functionalism in Media Theory":::-Young, J. (1981) "Beyond Consenual Paragdim Theory"
*Lea, J. & Young, J. (1982) " [ Race and Crime] ", "Marxism Today", August pg.38-39
*Lea, J. & Young, J. (1984) "What Is To Be Done About Law and Order — Crisis in the Eighties." Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Pluto Press revised edition: 1993) ISBN 0-7453-0735-3
*Kinsey, R., Lea, J. & Young, J. (1986). "Losing the Fight Against Crime." London: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-13721-1
*Matthews, R. & Young, J. (eds) (1986) "Confronting Crime", London: Sage Publications:::-Young, J. (1986) "The failure of criminology: the need for a radical realism"
*Crawford, A., Jones, T., Woodhouse, T. & Young, J. (1986) "The Ideal Victim" In: Fattah. E.A. (ed) "From Crime Policy to Victim Policy", London: Macmillan
*Jones, T., MacLean, B. & Young, J. (1986) "The Islington Crime Survey", Aldershot: Gower
*Jones, T. & Young, J. (1986) 'Moral Panic or Real Fear?', "New Society", (January)
*Jones, T., Lea, J. & Young, J. (1987) "Saving the Inner City: The First Report of the Broadwater Farm Survey", London: Middlesex Polytechnic
*Lea, J., Matthews, R. & Young, J. (1987) "Law and Order: Five Years On", London: Middlesex Polytechnic, Centre for Criminology
*Young, J. (1987) " [ The tasks facing a realist criminology] ", "Contemporary Crises", 2 (4): 337-356
*Young, J. (1987) "The increase in crime in England and Wales during the present government 1979-1986 with comparisons with the 1975-1978." Middlesex Polytechnic Centre for Criminology
*Young, J., Booker, P. & Lea, J. (1987) "Preliminary Report of the Relationship Between Crime, Fear of Crime and Attitudes to Punishment by Political Affiliation", London: Centre for Criminology, Middlesex Polytechnic
*Young, J. (1988) "Radical Criminology in Britain: the emergence of a competing paragdim", "The British Journal of Criminology", 28: 159-183
*Young, J. (1988) " [ Risk of Crime and Fear of Crime] " In: Maguire, M. & Pointing, J. "Victims of Crime: A New Deal", Milton Keynes: Open University Press
*Corrigan, P., Jones, T., Lloyd, J. & Young, J. (1988) " [ Citizen Gains] ", "Marxism Today", August, pg. 18-21
*Corrigan, P., Jones, T., Lloyd, J. & Young, J. (1988) "Socialism, Merit and Efficiency", London: Fabian Society
*Lea, J., Jones, T., Woodhouse, T. & Young, J. (1989) "Preventing Crime: The Hilldrop Environmental Improvement Survey", Enfield: Centre for Criminology, Middlesex Polytechnic
*Painter, K., Lea, J., Woodhouse, T. & Young, J. (1989) "The Hammersmith and Fulham Crime and Policing Survey", London: Middlesex Polytechnic, Centre for Criminology


*Crawford, A., Jones, T., Woodhouse, T. & Young, J. (1990) "Second Islington Crime Survey", London: Middlesex Polytechnic
*Young, J. (1991) "Left Realism and the Priorities of Crime Control" In: Stenson, K. & Cowell, D. (eds) "The Politics of Crime Control", London: Sage Publications
*Matthews, R. & Young, J. (eds) (1992) "Rethinking Criminology: The Realist Debate", (Sage Contemporary Criminology) London: Sage. ISBN 0-8039-8621-1:::-Young, J. (1992) " [ Ten Points of Realism] "
*Matthews, R. & Young, J. (eds) (1992) "Issues in Realist Criminology", (Sage Contemporary Criminology) London: Sage. ISBN 0-8039-8624-6:::-Young, J. & Matthews, R. (1992) "Questioning Left Realism"
*Young, J. (1992) "The Importance of Utopias in Criminological Thinking", "British Journal of Criminology", 32 (4): 423-437
*Young, J. (1992) "The Case for Left Realism" In: Lowman, J. & MacLean, B. (eds) "Realist Criminology" Toronto: Toronto University Press
*Young, J. (ed.). (1994). "The Exclusive Society: Social Exclusion, Crime and Difference in Late Modernity." London; Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. ISBN 0-8039-8151-1
*Young, J. (1994) " [ Incessant chatter: recent paragdims in criminology] " In: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. & Reiner, R. (eds.) "The Oxford Handbook of Criminology", Oxford: Oxford University Press
*Young, J. (1995) "Policing the Streets", London: Islington Council
*Walton, P. & Young, J. (eds) (1997) "The New Criminology Revisited", Basingstoke: Macmillan:::-Young, J. (1997) " [ Breaking Windows: Situating the New Criminology] ":::-Young, J. (1997) "Writing on the Cusp of Change: A New Criminology for an Age of Late Modernity"
*Young, J. (1997) "Left Realism: The Basics" In "Thinking Critically About Crime." MacLean, B & Milovanovic, D. (eds.). Vancouver: Collective Press.
*Young, J. (1997) " [ Forweword] " In: van Swaaningen, R. "Critical Criminology: Visions from Europe", London: Sage Publications
*Young, J. (1997) " [ Charles Murray and the American Penal Experiment] " In: Murray, C. "Does Prison Work?", London: Institute for Economic Affairs, pg. 31-39
*Young, J. (1997), " [ Left Realist Criminology] " In: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. & Reiner, R. (eds.) "The Oxford Handbook of Criminology", 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press
*Mooney, J. & Young, J. (1997) "Social Exclusion and Criminal Justice: Ethnic Communities and Stop and Search in North London", Enfield: Middlesex University Centre for Criminology
*Young, J. (1998) " [ From inclusive to exclusive society: nightmares in the European dream] " In: Ruggerio, V., South, N. & Taylor, I. (eds) "The New European Criminology: Crime and social order in Europe", London: Routledge
*Young, J. (1999) "The Exclusive Society: Social Exclusion, Crime and Difference in Late Modernity", London: Sage Publications ISBN 0803981511


*Mooney, J. & Young, J. (2000) " [ Policing Ethnic Minorities] " In: Loveday, B. & Marlow, A. (eds) "Policing After The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry", Lyme Regis: Russell House
*Young, J. (2001) "Identity, Community and Social Exclusion" In: Matthews, R. & Pitts, J. (eds) "Crime, Disorder and Community Safety", London: Routledge
*Young, J. (2002) " [ Critical Criminology in the Twenty-First Century: Critique, Irony and the Always Unfinished] " In Carrington, K. & Hogg, R. (eds) "Critical Criminology: Issues Debates, Challenges", Cullompton: Willan
*Young, J. (2002), " [ Crime and Social Exclusion] " In: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. & Reiner, R. (eds.) "The Oxford Handbook of Criminology", 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press
*Matthews, R. & Young, J. (2003). "The New Politics of Crime and Punishment." Willan Publishing. ISBN 1-903240-91-3:::-Young, J. (2003) " [ Winning the Fight Against Crime? New Labour, Populism and Lost Opportunities] "
*Young, J. (2007 new edition) "The Vertigo of Late Modernity", London: Sage Publications. ISBN 1412935741


External links

* [ Jock Young's articles]
* [ Criminologist Jock Young interviewed: 'Don't believe the hysteria about crime'] - Interview in Socialist Worker

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